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Panini's Development

  • Adventures - Age 1

    Adventures - Age 1
    Panini began to crawl around the house freely, exploring every nook and cranny and discovering new objects while creating schemas.
  • Where did it go? - Age 2

    Panini is able to find her toys even after they've been hidden under a pillow, which means she's developed object permanence!
  • All About Me - Age 5

    Panini assumes that our dog enjoys mashed potatoes as much as she does, and tries to feed him. She seems a little too egocentric.
  • All New Friends - Age 6

    Panini begins to pretend play with her stuffed animals, having tea parties to pillow fort fights.
  • Math Genius - Age 9

    At school today, Panini was able to tell how much water was in a cup versus how much water was in a bowl, figuring out it was the exact same. Conservation skills are amazing.
  • Know It All - Age 10

    Panini has begun classifying various objects in detail, labeling them for their different qualities.