Florence Nightingale

  • birth

    Florence Nightingale was born in Florencia in the Grand Duchy of Tolosa
  • The revelation

    When Florence was 17, heard that God told her to serve as a nurse
  • English Crisis

    In this period of crisis she could see diseases, poverty and human desperation
  • his mission

    his mission
    she joined the charity sisters of Paris to reorganize the Catholic hospital
  • Florence leaves his home

    went to small hospital for women (for live) and she reorganized everything.
  • Performances in the Crimean War

    Performances in the Crimean War
    His performances in the Crimean War created a worldwide recognition.
    She never left the sicks!
    Florence in the nights was walking with a small lamp, afther this, she was called the woman of the lamp.
  • Falls ill in Crimea

    During the Crimean War she was between life and death, she did not die but she lost her sight
  • Creation of the first nursing school

    Creation of the first nursing school
    The Nightingale Training School was created in the Saint Tomas Hospital
  • She health gets worse

    She is 50 years old, her health is getting much worse, but she is still struggling to change the English health system
  • Florence dies

    she wanted to put all her knowledge in writing, she created these works:
    -Female Nurses in Military Hospitals
    -Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes