Florence Nightingale SP4 2016

  • Florence was born

    Florence was born
    Florence was born in Florence in Italy. She gets her name from the city she was born in,
  • Period: to

    Florence Nightingale

  • Florence decided to become a nurse

    Florence decided to become a nurse
    Florence felt that God was telling her to help the sick and unhealthy people in hospitals. This is when she decided she wanted to become a nurse and she wrote about it in her diary.
  • Th Crimean War Started

    Th Crimean War Started
    In 1953 the Crimean War started. Lots of soldiers were being wounded and they were suffereing in terrible conditions.
  • Florence starts her journey to Crimea

    Florence starts her journey to Crimea
    Florence travels on a boat to Crimea with 38 other nurses. The journey took two weeks.
  • Florence Nightingale helped the soldiers

    Florence Nightingale helped the soldiers
    The soldiers thought that Florence Nightingale was a great lady. Florence became known as the lady with the lamp because she walked around the wards with a lantern.
  • The Crimean War ended

    The Crimean War ended
    In 1856 the Crimean War ended. Florence returned to England where she became famous for the good work she had done.
  • Florence sets up a training school

    Florence sets up a training school
    Florence set up a training school for nurses which still exsists today.
  • Florence recieves an order of merit

    Florence recieves an order of merit
    Florence was awarded an order of merit for all the good work she did throughout her life.
  • Florence died

    Florence died
    in 1910 Florence died at the age of 90.