Success and failure sign

Flora's Colorful Teen Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born at 8am in a small town in Lingyuan,Liaoning ,China
  • I Started My Primary School Life

    I Started My Primary School Life
    My first primary school is Lingyuan Primary School in my hometown.
  • I Transferred To Dalian

    I Transferred To Dalian
  • My Primary School In Dalian

    My Primary School In Dalian
    I continued my primary school education in Dalian Software Park Bilingual School.
  • Graduate From Primary School

  • Middle School Started

    Middle School Started
    My Middle School is still Dalian Software Park Bilingual School
  • Graduated From Middle School

  • High School Life In China

    High School Life In China
    My high school is The Middle School Attached To LiaoNing Normal University
  • Moved to Canada

    Moved to Canada
    I stayed in High School for a semester, Then I moved to Canada
  • New School Life In Canada

    New School Life In Canada
    My new school in Canada is Markville Secondary School
  • Graduate From Secondary School Got My First Paid Job

  • University Life Begins

    University Life Begins
    My university is The University Of Waterloo,
  • My 20th birthday in Uwaterloo

    My 20th birthday in Uwaterloo
    I will spend my 20th birthday in University of Walterloo, learning in Actual Science Programme. Hopefully I will get the schoolarship.
  • Graduate from University

    Graduate from University
    Finishing my university with a double degree of Actual Science and Business