
  • weather

    detailed weather sensors are more accurate than the National Weather service,telling the airlines when to prepare deicers and delay and cancel flight's
  • how to survive international travel with kids

    how to survive international travel with kids
    flyng and international travel with kids in tow takes a lot more forethought that simply thinking abot how to entertain them whislte on a long haul flight.
  • it happens in Australian

    it happens in Australian
    Keith Sapsford is a rather well-known example of what can happen when this is attempted. A 14-year old Australian boy, he tried in 1970 to stow away on a DC-8 flying from Sydney to Tokyo with predictably tragic results: an amateur photographer at the airport captured his fall from the climbing airliner.
  • flight

    flight plan:keeping an eye on a plane path from the ground, and alerting pilots of any anomalies.
  • parts on the engine

    parts on the engine
  • no cell phone

    no cell phone
    The truth is that portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, compact disc players, and remote-controlled toys, can emit powerful electromagnetic radiation that can muck up an aircraft’s navigation and communication systems and actually endanger a flight. Airline telephones, on the other hand, transmit radio signals to
  • be safe

    be safe