I was a baby at the time it was in a church a big church in LA. I was getting baptized. This change my life because Jesus was in my life now and i was a part of the church. Jesus is a big and important thing i my life he will help me at any time when i need it. -
It was my Birthday i was opening my presents. In this box was a pair of red converse they were cool. I wore them everywere. This change my life because ever since i was littel i loved shoses my mom used to buy my eney shose i wanted. When i grow older my mom wouldn't buy my eny because they got expensive so it also hepled me come more responsible with money. -
Ever since i was 5 years old my brother wanted me to become sporty so he teached my how to play. My best sport is baseball but since i don't paly as much basketball is awesome. It changed my life because now i play all sports. I love them all. Sports i a big part of my life and it will always be a big thing a part of my life. -
The Awesome Trick
It was early in the day and i was with my couis and my uncle. He told me to do a kickflip. On my first trie i didn't get it but i kept trieing so about on my fourth trie i did it. It changed my life because i had a diffrent idea of skateboarding. When i first got on my skatboard i was sacred, but when i got the hange it was awesome. Now i love to skateboard weather its day or night. -
It was about 11A.M. i went to a lesson with my teacher Jim he taght me how to play about 2 songs. This changed my life because now i have something to do when i am board. This changed my life because when i'm older i woud like to learn how to play diffrent things.