Five People You Meet In Heaven (Reality Bites) Project

  • Period: to

    five people

  • Marguerite

    I am Eddie's great love, his first and only love. " 'Happy birthday to you...' Marguerite emerges, singing in her soft sweet voice. She looks beautiful, wearing the print dress Eddie likes, her hair and lips done up. Eddie feels the need to inhale, as if undeserving of such a moment" (119).
  • The Blue Man

    The Blue Man
    I died of a heart attack after getting in a car wreck--the jolt of adreneline combined with my weak nerves proved fatal. "[My] arm throbs. [My] chest hurts" (44). Eddie was the little boy who darted in front of my car to set the accident in motion!
  • The Captain

    The Captain
    Click here for real footage from WWII in Japan! In WWII, I shot Eddie in the leg to keep him from going into the burning hut, to save his life. I sacrified my life to make sure the path was clear when my company escaped--no one gets left behind, period!
  • Tala

    I died in WWII, in the flames that Eddie and his companions created after escaping their imprisonment. Eddie, in a fit of mania, rushed back into the burning village when he saw a figure (me!) moving, but the Captain shot him in the leg because no one gets left behind.
  • Ruby

    My darling husband Emile built a magical pier for me, but it burned down on the 4th of July from a fireworks accident. Emile rushed into the flames "to salvage his years of work" (121) but a column collapsed on him. I felt anger and regret for many years, feeling that Ruby Pier should never have been built. You felt the same way, at your dead-end job at the pier.