
Five Key Historical Events in K-12 Education

  • National Educational Association - Established School Curriculum

    National Educational Association - Established School Curriculum
    Choosing this event in the history of education was not hard. This was when The Committee of Ten established the first school curriculum. Which paved the way for curriculums to come.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Brown VS. Board of Education is an important part of our educational history because it was the ending of segregation in schools. And because denying education to those of a specific race is a violation of the 14th amendment. On May 17th, 1954 the Supreme Court reached a decision that would end segregation in schools.
  • The Separation of Church and State

    The Separation of Church and State
    The Separation of Church and State is important because it won't allow for the Government to exercise its authority in national religions. Because of this schools cannot make religion mandatory for all students.
  • Tinker VS, Des Moines

    Tinker VS, Des Moines
    The Tinker VS. Des Moines case was important to American History because it was during the Vietnam war, but also because the students had there Constitutional rights violated by their school. The Supreme Court ended up siding with the students and saying that "Students free rights should be protected."
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind is important because it required students to be tested in subjects such as reading and math. But also because the main goal is to close the student achievement gaps. By providing all students with fair, equal, and significant opportunities to receive a high-quality education.