Yeahhhhh  buddyyyyyyyy

Fitness Plan

  • Identifying what a fitness plan is.

    Starting the lesson plan by explaining what a fitness plan is, and what it would look like.
  • Period: to

    a fitness plan for fitness outside of class

    • Promote critical thinking.
    • Identify Safety/risk factors, and the impact of decisions that happen now and how it affects the future.
    • Create a plan for each student to participate in physical fitness outside of class.
  • Identifying the safe/risk factors for fitness outside of school

    Identify risks and safety factors affecting physical activity preferences throughout the student's life.
  • Starting the fitness plan outline

    Make an identical outline for physical fitness for each student, and it should have preferred workouts and the location to do the said workouts.
  • The conclusion of safe/risk factors

    Evaluate risks and safety factors, and analyze the impact of life choices, economics, and personal motivations.
  • The first week of physical fitness outside the class

    Go over everything we learned in class, and have the students motivated and prepared to do fitness outside of school.
  • The first week of feedback

    Have a conversation with the class about how it was, how long they workout, what they did, and did they even like it. Make it evident to stay safe and make the right decisions on the weekends.
  • The second week of physical fitness

    Go over everything we learned in class, and have the students motivated and prepared to do fitness outside of school. Go over safety precautions again.
  • the second week of feedback Pt.1

    Have a conversation with the class about how it was, how long they workout, what they did, and did they even like it. Encourage the students to work out with classmates and try new forms of fitness with partners.
  • the second week of feedback Pt.2

    Have a conversation with the class about how it was, how long they workout, what they did, and did they even like it. Make it evident to stay safe and make the right decisions on the weekends.
  • Conclusion of Lesson

    This might be the conclusion of the lesson, but I want the students to keep the plan and continue to work out outside of class. For the class, there will be a short discussion about what they thought could be better implemented, what they really like/dislike, and what they learn about themselves. (also I'll probably reward the students with some food)