Proclomation of Meatality
George washington owned france and when they went to war we left and left them to fight. Source: Wikipedia -
Aliens and Sedition Acts
President John Adams made people becoming legal harder. Source:WIkipedia -
War With Tropoi
Thomas Jefferson started a was outbrake and then we got a treaty with the native, and then are navy grew. Source: Biagraphy.com -
Luisiana Purchase
Tomas Jefferson Bought 15 million dollars in land at 3 cents a acer. He ended up doubling the u.s size. Source: Biagraphy.com -
Battle of Tippicance
James Madison started a battle and earned more land after winning it. Source: Midnightfreemasons.org -
The Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe kicked out the europeans so now they cant build in our hemisphere. Source: Wikipedia -
tariff Abomanation
John quincy and john adams added more taxes on to foriegn goods. Wich made south pay more for manufactered goods so they lost money & raw materials. Source: Wikipedia -
The Indian Removal
Andrew Jackson removed the indians from there native land and made it so the u.s owned more. Source: History.com