Proclamation of Neutrality
In April 1793, George Washington forced USA to stay neutral when it comes to asy conflict. As a result we had to help France with their future conflicys. Image Source: Wikipedia -
Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams created laws to strengthen the scurity of the nation and to limit critisisms against Adam's presidentral administration. image source: trumanblog.com -
War with Tripoli
When Tripoli increased its demands Thomas Jefferson refused to make any additional payments. Tripoli issue a declaration of war on the USA on May 14 1801. Because of the war the navy increased its size and we will get less attacks from the pirates. image source: wikipedia -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson concluded a historic land deal with France called thebLouisiana Purchase. Our land doubled at about $15,000,000 because of this. image source: Ducksters.com -
Battle of Tippecanoe
In the North West Territory Hames Madison pushed Narive American men to abandon their hunting and farming traditions. And instead, adopt the American lifestyle as farmers. Image Source: wikipedia.com -
The Monroe Doctrine
In 1823, james monroe said the Europeran monarch would expect a strong remark if they interferred with the USA. It affected the European affairs with North and South America. Image Source: mdoctrine.weebly.com -
Tariff of Abomination
In 1828 John Wuincy Adams approved the Tariff of Abominations. Because of theis the South ended up payng more for manufactured goods. Image Source: thinglink.com -
The Indian Removal Act
In 1830, Andrew Jackson helped push Indian removal acts through congress. The court confirmed that seizure of Indian lands was illegal. Because of the act over 4,000 cherokees died of starvation and diseases. Image Source: onthisdeity.com