Fnmi cool

First Nation, Metis, and Inuit

  • Europeans introduce diseass to the Natives

    Europeans introduce diseass to the Natives
    European explorers brought infectious diseases to North America which the Native Americans had no natural immunity against. Chicken pox, measles, and smallpox were common and rarely fatal among Europeans, but often proved deadly to Native Americans. Some historians estimate that up to 80% of some Native populations died from European diseases.
  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    In Canada we call the war against French and British was the Seven years war but some French Canadians often call it La guerre de la Coquette which means the war of conquest. Native Americans joined in the battle against the British because they were afraid the British would take over their land. They also fought because the frontiers were separating New France from Britain Colonies; this ranged from Virginia to Nova Scotia. Because to the Seven years war a peace treaty was made in 1763.
  • Confederation

    It's the process where Canada became a Country. It happened on July 1,1867. On that day 3 british Colonies formed 4 new provinces. The first prime minister was Sir John A. Macdoland, during this time the colonies were renamed the "Dominion od CAnada". Did you know that the 4 original provinces were Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
  • Rupert’s Land is purchased by Canada from the HBC

    Rupert’s Land is purchased by Canada from the HBC
    The first Riel Rebellion - occurred in the Red River area of Manitoba between 1868 and 1870. It grew out of the Canadian government's purchase of Rupert's Land from the Hudson's Bay Company. In signing the possession agreement, no condition or consideration was made for the native Métis population living in the area.
  • Treaty #1 – Southern Manitoba

    Treaty #1 – Southern Manitoba
    In August 3, 1871 Manitoba’s first nations signed Treaty Number 1 at the big stone fort known as Upper Fort Garry. As the area around Manitoba was being settled the aboriginal peoples that are known to have lived here for about 6,000 years became concerned the arrival of the settlers from Ontario. The federal government wanted to encourage settlers to flow into the west but they wanted to avoid the bloodshed that had occurred in the United States in the late 1860s.
  • Treaty #6 – Central Alberta & Saskatchewan

    Treaty #6 – Central Alberta & Saskatchewan
    At this time, the buffalo, the staple of the people that lived on the plains, was disappearing at an alarming rate due to the settlement activities. The chiefs realized that if they did not sign a treaty, they might starve. A second major reason for the signing of the treaty was that a smallpox epidemic had recently gone through the area, killing many of the Cree.
  • Treaty #7 - Southern Alberta

    Treaty #7 - Southern Alberta
    Treaty 7 was a agreement between the Blackfoor Nations Tribes and Queen Victoria, It was completed in September 22, 1877. They signed the treaty at the Bow river which was theBlackfootcroosing, that was about 100Km east of CAlgary. One of the people that signed treaty 7 was Chief Crowfoot. Did you know that treaty 7 was one of the 11 numbered treaty's between the crown and the First Nations in 1871-1921.
  • Louis Riel

    Louis Riel
    In 1885 Louis Riel had been a leader of a resistance movement by the Metis and First Nations people. This was known as the North-West rebellion, this resistance was suppressed by the Canadian military, which led to Riels surrender and trail for Treason. The trial took place in July 1885 and lasted five days until he was proven guilty. Riel was executed by being hung which has a lasting impact on relations between the French and English Canadians.
  • Treaty 8 - Northern Alberta

    Treaty 8 - Northern Alberta
    The land covered by treaty 8 is 840 000 square kilometers, which is larger than France. It includes Northern Alberta, Northeastern British Columbia, Northwestern Saskatchewan, Southermost portion of the northwest Territories. Different parts of this treaty were signed at the following places.
    July 1st, Peace river landing / July 6th Dunvegan / July 8th Fort Vermilion / July 13th Fort Chipwyan / July 17th Smith landing / July 25 & 27 fond du lac / Aug. 4 fort McMurray / Aug. 14 wabcsca lake.
  • Alberta & Saskatchewan become part of Canada.

    Alberta & Saskatchewan become part of Canada.
    Saskatchewan is bordered on the west by Alberta, on the north by the Northwest Territories, on the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota. Did you know that Saskatchewan is the praire provice which has a area of 588 276 square Kilometers. They were the 8th and 9th provinces to join Confederation.
  • Manatoba refuses to ratify the meech lake accord

    Manitoba refuses to ratify themeech Lake Accord since it provides no speical status fr Native People. Mohawks & government forces engage in armed confrontation near Oka, Quebec. (In book you gave us)
  • Last Residential School Closes

    The last Federally run Residentail school Closes. (On the sheet you gave us)