Jefferson becomes president
Thomas Jefferson becomes the 3rd President of the United States. Thomas was a Democratic-Republican which ushered in his generation. He is also responsible for the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of our country. -
Louisiana Purchase
The US bought a 828,000 square miles of land from France. The reason why France let the US purchase it is because France needed money. They needed that money because they were going to war with British Empire. The US bought it for 15 million dollars -
James Madison Becomes President
James Madison became the 4th President of the United States. He is Also regarded as the Farther of the Bill of Rights also known as the first 10 amendments to the constitution. Started to leaded the US in the War of 1812. -
War of 1812
The US went to war with Britain because Britain wouldn't stop Violating of U.S. maritime rights. Britain then put those people that they stole from the US and forced them into the Britain army. The war ended in 1815 on February 17th with the Treaty of Ghent. -
Monroe gets elected
James Monroe was the 5th president of the US. He is most known for his Monroe Doctrine, which is A USA policy of opposing the European colonialism in America. The USA also noted that they would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies. -
John Quincy Adams is elected
John Quincy Adams only served one term as President. He outspoken in opposition to slavery and in support of freedom of speech. He also helped with the nullification crisis. -
Andrew Jackson is elected
Unlike John Quincy Adams Jackson served two terms. His election for President was known as being the dirtiest election ever, the two were name calling and fighting for control over the free nation. Jackson also is known for doing the Indian removal act. -
Trail of Tears
More than 15,000 Cherokee Indians are forced from Georgia to Indian Territory. The Indian Territory is Present-day Oklahoma. About 4,000 died from starvation. -
Mexican war
The US declare war on mexico for the land of California. The Us also got Southwest territory.War concludes with signing of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -
Harriet Tubman
He escapes Slavery and also used The Underground Railroad. He used the Underground Railroad most effectively. Also is the most celebrated members of it.