The Election of 1800
The Election of 1800 began with Jefferson defeating Adams. Jefferson did not fully win yet though since he tied with his running mate Aaron Burr. The voting between Burr and Jefferson was sent to the House of Reps. It look 6 days and 35 votes, it took so long because everyone in the House of Reps. Voted, they ended up tying. Alexander Ham. decided to stand in front of the Federalists and told them to vote for Jefferson. He did this because of a feud with Burr. In the end, Jefferson won. -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743. He was the 3rd president of the United States. One of his biggest accomplishments as President was when he bought the Louisiana Territory. This almost doubled the size of our country. He also over saw the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He wanted them to explore the new western territory. He was also one of the authors for the declaration of Independence before he became president. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. He was 83 years old. -
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was an important deal in the United Sates history because our country doubled in size. We bought the land from a French leader Nappolean, he was in need of some quick money so he sold it to Jefferson for only 4 cents an acre. Many great benefits came with this purchase. Such as access to new trading routes, encouraged us to keep expanding westward, and we also gained new resources. This purchase also created some problems for us with the natives. -
James Madison
James Madison was born on April 13, 1743. One of his biggest accomplishments was when he declared war on Great Britain. He did this because they were imprisoning Americans and stealing our ships. This started the War of 1812. He also wrote the Federalist Papers. He also introduced the Bill of Rights. James Madison died on June 28, 1836. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was the Americans against the British. This war was fought because the British Imprisoned our sailors. They also stole our ships. The reason they did this was because they were fighting a war against France and need soldiers/ships. The war lasted a little under 3 years. No one techniquly lost the war it was a stalemate. However the Natives Americans that founght on the British side lost their rights to fight for their lands due to this. -
James Monroe
James Monroe was born on April 28, 1756. One of Monroe's biggest accomplishments was the Monroe Doctrine. This established a foreign policy that change our lives. He also oversaw many big expansions into the western territory. James Monroe died on July 4, 1831 -
The Missouri Comprimise
The Missouri Compromise was when Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state. People began to think this was unfair because the amount of free states to slave states was uneven. Monroe signed the compromise saying that any states south of the Missouri border (latitude 36' 30') would be slave states. Any states that where north of that would be free states, which slip the country in two. Maine was also traded with missouri making Maine a free state and missouri a slave state. -
John Qunicy Admas
John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767. One of his biggest accomplishments was he bought the territory called Florida from Spain. This expanded our lands and increased trade. When John Quincy Admas became president it was very controversial. Many thought that he had made a bargain to John C. Calhoun. This was because John was the representative for the house and after the election John C. Calhoun became Vice President. John Quincy Admas died on Febuary 23, 1848. -
Andrew Jakson
Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767. One of his biggest accomplishments was when he fought in the battle of New Orleans. He lead them to victory. One of his biggest accomplishments during his presidency was him forming the new way of democracy. he also gained new territory, paid of the national debt and strengthen the relationships with foreign nations. Andrew Jackson died on June 8, 1845. -
The Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was signed into order by President Andrew Jackson. Many tribes such as the Cherokee were held at gunpoint and told to leave their homes and everything in them. Jackson thought it would make westward expansion easier and even though Congress didn't support. Jackson order it anyway. Natives called the journey from their original homes to Oklahoma the "Trail of Tears." It got its name because of the diseases, death, pain, and suffering, the Natives had to go through.