First half 19th century Timeline

  • Thomas Jefferson inaugurated

    Thomas Jefferson inaugurated
    In 1801 Thomas Jefferson was elected president. He was president until 1809 he was president for 8 years. He was inaugurated in Washington D.C
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase. It was a purchase between United states and France. The purchase was a steel for the U.S it was insanely cheap for a big piece of land.
  • The Embargo act

    The Embargo act
    forbid all exportation of goods from the U.S hurt our economy more than France and Britain's; later repealed; helped to revive the Federalists; eventually led to war of 1812
  • James Madison Inaugurated

    James Madison Inaugurated
    Jame Madison won the election of 1808. Madison defeated federalist Charles Cotesworth. He was president up until 1817.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a battle between U.S and great Britain. James Madison was the president during the time. He lead us through the war.
  • Burning the White House

    Burning the White House
    In 1814, England invaded Washington, D.C. They went to the White House and burnt it down.
  • Jame Monroe Inaugurated

    Jame Monroe Inaugurated
    James Monroe defeated Federalist Rufus King. James served 2 terms. He was also Inaugurated in 1817
  • Freed Slaves go to Africa

    Freed Slaves go to Africa
    The first freed group of American slaves leave to settle a colony called the republic of liberia when they arrive on African soil in Providence Island.
  • John Quincy Adams inaugurated.

    John Quincy Adams inaugurated.
    John Quincy won the election of 1824 against Andrew Jackson. Jackson won the electoral votes but not the majority votes.
  • Martin Van Buren Inaugurated

    Martin Van Buren Inaugurated
    Buren won the election of 1836. He won against a few Whig party candidates led by William Harrison. His inauguration was