1024px the founding of australia by capt arthur phillip r n sydney cove jan 26th 1788

Australia's colonie

  • First europeans

    First europeans
    They sailed to australia but did not settle
  • 1770 Captain Cook sails around australia

    1770 Captain Cook sails around australia
    He did not care about the people there he named it New south wales and "claimed" it as england land
  • British shipd

    British shipd
    The british sailed to australia for the prison colonies
  • Period: to

    New south wales

    New south wails was officially a prison
  • Period: to

    Port Author, Tasmania

    It was for the bad and hardest irsh and British crminals
  • Common wealth of australia

    Common wealth of australia
    The government officials created boundaries that were needed for the colonies that actually still stand today
  • common wealth of australia

    common wealth of australia
    The common wealth was establihed in australia
  • Common wealth of australia

    Common wealth of australia
    Melbourne served as a national capital till canberrea was done/ completed
  • Aborigines

    the federal goverment started to pass legislation to help the Aborigines
  • Austraila today

    Austraila today
    All rights with the British Empier were served