finding the turtle
Gordon (5) loved his caretaker because she always clapped and let him find and watch the turtle in the back yard in San Diego Ca.
In Eriksons third stage, initiative vs guilt, the challenge for adults is to show encouragement even in the smallest task for children and applaud them so they develop a sense of initiative while entering into middle or late childhood. If they do not, then the child feels guilty when accomplishing bigger task in the future. -
school honors
Gordon (14) received marked honors in Athletics and marks in mathematics, science, and English. There was a ceremony and the school and family all applauded.
In Erikson's Fourth stage, industry vs inferiority, the goal for the child is to learn the skills necessary to make it in his culture, with the enthusiasm of others, he later loves learning new things and has confidence mastering new skills. If he doesn't have a support network, likely he will experience inferiority. -
Gordon (21) decided to change his identity with simplicity to see exactly where he stands in his direct culture.
In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs Identity confusion, younger people must identify whom they are, and what their strengths and weakness are in their direct culture to make it in the future. I chose simplicity because of the individualistic culture that we live in. The other path is to live confused with yourself until you realize you are. It is harder as you get older. -
empathy associated with isolation
Gordon (32) receives his first degree and almost his bachelors from uaa, and focuses on a career and ultimately, a good relationship.
In Eriksons sixth stage, Intimacy vs Isolation, the goal is to show your vulnerable self to others in relationships and ultimately make a life-long commitment or you will end up feeling depressed and isolated. I thought i could set myself up with stability before a relationship. Yet sometimes i feel that i am scared for others entirely too much for my age.