Fort Sumter
After the South left the union because of the election of Lincoln, they attacked Union-held Fort Sumter. The capture of this fort led to the start of the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln made a plan to take the capitol of Richmond. On July 21, 1861, the Union and Confederate soldiers met together at the Bull Run creek. The Confederates win the first battle and now the North takes the South seriously. Now Lincoln decides to send home 90 day militias and brings 500,000 soldiers for 3 years. -
Antietam was were the Union attacked the Confederacy. This was the most bloodiest day of the war because they fought all day. In the end 22,717 dead or wounded on both sides. -
Lincoln Declares the Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the rebellion which was the confederacy. He didn't want to do it at first because he thought it wasn't constitutional. Some of the Union people didn't support it either and he didn't want to lose the border states. But he finally passed it as a military action. -
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Battle of Gettysburg
On July 1, Lee's troops ran into Union troops. Both sides decided to wait until the reinforcements came and then the battle was on. In the end 23,000 of the men died on the Union side and 28,000 of the men died on the Confederate side. Now that the north won this victory, they will win more and more. -
Battle of Vicksburg
This battle was one of the last stronghold battles on the river. Grant decided to do a siege for surrender. This means that he surrounded the city from anything going in or out. The rebel soldiers ate mules, dogs, and rates. After a month the surrendered. The Union fulfilled the Anaconda planed and they had complete control of the Mississippi River splitting the South. -
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New York City Draft Riots
The New York City Draft Riots was where there were many violent disturbances for a few days all across town. They did this because the government passed a new law where all men had to put their name in a big barrel and if their name was drown, they would be going to fight in the Civil War. -
Formation of the 54th Mass
The union allowed black men into the army. After the emancipation, about 180,000 black soldiers were in a blue uniform for the union. The African Americans got the worst jobs like being in all black regiments led by white officers and being paid less. They did show great courage on the battle field though. The 54 Massachusetts was the most famous black regiments. On July 1863, they attacked Fort Wagner in South Carolina. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address was a speech by Abraham Lincoln. He gave this speech on November 19, 1863 to dedicate 3,500 soldiers buried at a cemetery. It was one of the shortest but the most famous Presidential speeches of all time. He declared that those who died be for nothing and that are nation was founded on "all men were created equal", and makes a plea to continue to fight for democracy. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
General Grant makes General Sherman go through the south and do total war. Total war was where they not only against the enemy troops but burned a ton of towns. So, Sherman's troops tore up rail roads and crops, ans burned towns. From Atlanta to the sea, he cut a path of destruction that was 60 miles wide ans 300 miles long. -
13th Amendment
The 13th Amendment was passed to abolish slavery, prohibited involuntary servitude, and nullified the Fugitive Slave Act and the 3/5 Compromise. When this was passed, this meant that the end of the war was near. -
Surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse
Lee wanted to continue fighting but he knew that it was hopeless so he sent a message to Grant saying that he was ready surrendered. Lee and Grant met in a small Virginia town called Appomattox Courthouse. Lee decided to surrender the war. Since Lee surrendered, Grant got to tell him the terms that he wanted, and what he wanted was for Lee to leave and go home. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Him and his wife decided to go see a play in Washington D.C. John Wilkes Booth crept into the balcony behind the President and shot him in the back of the head. Booth then jumps off the balcony and breaks his leg, but still escapes. Lincoln dies the next day in a house across the street from the Theater. Both's accomplices also had plans to kill the secretary of state and the vice-president. Booth was hunted down by the Union for a few days and was killed and the others were hung. -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
It was a government organization that tried to help former slaves. They helped them by getting their family backed together and educating them. They also set schools for them to learn in warehouses and former slave markets. -
14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment said that all people born in the U.S. are citizens and had the same rights. It also states that all citizens were to be granted "equal protection of the laws." The last thing that it stated was that if any state kept blacks from voting, they would lose representatives in Congress. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment made sure that citizens can't be stopped from voting on account of race or color. This also made African Americans be representatives for their country and state. In the end 600 black men served in state legislative, 14 black men served in the House of Representatives, and 2 black men served in the Senate. -
End of Reconstruction
The end of reconstruction ended when Rutherford B Hayes was elected president in 1876. In 1877 he withdrew troops from the last federal troops from the South. This also ended Reconstruction and the Republican's fight for racial equality. -
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson
The Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson was where Plessy decided to go onto a white only train cart to get to his destination. This made Plessy get arrested and this went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said that segregation wasn't against the constitution.