Schneck V. United states
Shouted fire in a movie theater when there wasn't any clear or present danger. It was stated that the first amendment rights were not violated. -
Whitney V. California
Though the defense wan't based around the first amendment it should qualify. Whitney helped form the communist labor party, a group with the goal of overthrowing the government. -
Near V. Minnesota
For publishing false, defamatory, scandalous in a news paper he was in violation of the first and 14th amendments. Near was proven guilty for these, for he believed that "The truth was published with good motives and justifiable ends." He also thought that his freedom of press and speech would protect him in his case. -
Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile
Parents and citizens brought a lawsuit against the school board for teaching an anti religious religion called "secular humanism" -
Todd V. Rochester community schools
The book slaughterhouse- five sparked much controversies with its choice of topic and was debated in court weather these topics were welcome in a school's environment. The argument was "Vonnegut's literary dwellings on war, religion, death, Christ, God, government, politics, and any other subject should be as welcome in the public schools" Todd loses the case in a 4-0 vote. -
Loewen V. Turnipseed
The Mississippi textbook purchasing board refused to use conflict and change on the grounds that the racial matter in the book was too controversial the authors filed a suit. The judge ruled that the factor leading to its rejection was the controversial matter. Thus he lost the case. -
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier
A school principal removes 2 pages of an article about teenage pregnancy. This violates the students freedom of speech and ruled in favor of the teen Kuhlmeier -
Virgil V. School board of Columbia county
Surprise, another book was denied, ruled in favor of Virgil because the pulling of the book from schools shelves was against his first amendment right. -
Cohen v. San Bernardino Valley College
Tenured professor of English was disciplined for violating the college's sexual harassment policy against creating a "hostile learning environment" for his in-class use of profanity, and discussions of sex, pornography, obscenity, cannibalism, and other controversial topics in a confrontational, devil's advocate style. Court rules fro Cohen.