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First Amendment

  • United States vs. Cruikshank

    United States vs. Cruikshank
    US Supreme Court case that represented federal efforts to protect the Civil Rights of African Americans. Federal charges were brought against several white insurgents hindering the Freedman's First Amendment right to freely assemble and their second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Led to an allowance of violence and deprivation of rights against the newly freed slaves.
  • Debs vs. US

    Debs vs. US
    A US Supreme Court decision, relevant for US labor law and constitutional law that upheld the Espionage Act of 1917. Debs made an anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, protesting US involvement in World War I. The Supreme Court decided against Debs, and maintained the power of the Espionage Act. Debs' sentence to ten years imprisonment and loss of citizenship was upheld.
  • Near vs. Minnesota

    Near vs. Minnesota
    Prior restraint on publication was found to violate the freedom of the press as protected under the First Amendment. The Court ruled that a Minnesota law that targeted publishers of "malicious" or "scandalous" newspapers violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Supreme Court decided that First Amendment protects newspapers from prior restraints, allowing Near to proceed with his usual publications.
  • Grosjean vs. American Press Co.

    Grosjean vs. American Press Co.
    A decision of the United States Supreme Court over a challenge to a separate sales tax on newspapers with circulation of over 20,000. The Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, found the tax unconstitutional. The decision held that states could charge customary taxes on media but higher taxes ran afoul of the First Amendment.
  • McCollum v. Board of Education

    McCollum v. Board of Education
    United States Supreme Court case related to the power of a state to use its tax-supported public school system to aid religious instruction. The case was a test of the separation of church and state with respect to education. Public schools would set aside class time for religious instruction.The Court struck down a program as unconstitutional because of the public school system's involvement in the administration, organization and support of religious instruction classes.
  • NAACP vs. Alabama

    NAACP vs. Alabama
    Alabama sought to prevent the NAACP from conducting further business in the state. After the circuit court issued a restraining order, the state issued a subpoena for various records, including the NAACP's membership lists. The Supreme Court ruled that Alabama's demand for the lists had violated the right of due process guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  • Marcus v. Search Warrant

    Marcus v. Search Warrant
    Case decided by the United States Supreme Court on the seizure of obscene materials. Missouri's procedures for the seizure of allegedly obscene material and the execution of the warrant itself violated the Fourth and Fourteenth amendments' prohibitions on search and seizure without due process. Justice William Brennan found the officers' conduct similar to that Founding Fathers to write the Constitution of the US.
  • Red Lion Broadcasting Co. vs. FCC

    Red Lion Broadcasting Co. vs. FCC
    Ruling that it was "the right of the public to receive suitable access to social, political, esthetic, moral, and other ideas and experiences administrative rulemaking, had required that discussion of public issues be presented on broadcast stations, and that each side of those issues must be given fair coverage. challenged these rules as unconstitutionally infringing on the speech of the station's editorial judgment
  • Jenkins v. Georgia

    Jenkins v. Georgia
    United States Supreme Court case overturning a Georgia Supreme Court ruling regarding the depiction of sexual conduct in the film Carnal Knowledge. On June 24, 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the State of Georgia had gone too far in classifying material as obscene in view of the Court's prior landmark decision in Miller v. California,and overturned the conviction
  • Rust v. Sullivan

    Rust v. Sullivan
    A case in the US Supreme Court that upheld regulations prohibiting counseling a patient on abortion. Many physicians and clinics challenged the regulation, arguing that it violated 1st Amendment right to free speech and the right of women to seek an abortion. Verdict allowed the regulation to go into effect, holding that the regulation was a reasonable interpretation of the Public Health Service Act, and that the 1st Amendment is not violated when the government chooses to fund certain things.