United States v. Cruikshank
A man was trying to become apart of the local government and talking publicly about things including slavery. Armed white men attacked a free black man and put him in jail for his actions. At this time there were lots of laws against blacks. The man was eventually released from jail because every American has their freedom of speech. -
Reynolds v. United States
LDS church argued that the first amendment right to freely practice their religion believed the law was unconstitutional. They practiced marrying two wives, many were put in prison and were sentenced to two years of hard labor and 500 dollars. A few years later this was overturned. -
Davis v. Beason
When Congress passed the Edmunds Act of 1882, this made polygamy a felony. That meant that 1,300 Mormons were imprisoned. This act was overturned very quickly because this went against their freedom of religion. -
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
A man said some not so nice things at a cop. In addition to his other ticket the man was taken to jail because he said something bad to the cop. The man took the state to court because there was a law saying negative things to cops. The men said this went against his freedom of speech. The courts decided in the mans favor. -
Everson v. Board of Education
The state of New Jersey overturned a ban allowing no school to force students to pay for buses. This included private schools. 96% of the school that benefited were private catholic schools. A man filed a lawsuit against New Jersey saying this overturn was based on religious reasons. This court case resulted in applied the Establishment Clause in the country's Bill of Rights to State Laws. -
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
Kids at Des Moines High School were protesting the Vietnam war by wearing black armbands and fasting on December 16 and New Years Eve. The school adopted a policy saying they would be suspended if they wore it in school and couldn't return until they stopped wearing it. The court name this unconstitutional. -
Wisconsin v. Yoder
This took place in Wisconsin when an Amish family took their kids out of school after grade eight. The state mandated that the kids stay in school because it was a law. The family took this to court saying it went against their freedom of religion since they didn't believe in it. the court ruled in the favor of the family because it went against their religion. -
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier
Hazelwood East High School principle delated an article that was written by his students that was about teen pregnancy and how it effects marriage. The students thought this violated their freedom of speech so they took the district to court. The court rule in both parties saying that the principle had the right to ask to take down the article first before taking it down. -
Rosenberger v. University of Virginia
Students at University of Virginia ran a maginze that was funded by the school. The students would included activites that were going on, articles about the university and this one time a religious article. The university wanted nothing to do with this so they took it down. Students argued it violated their freedom of speech. -
Town of Greece v. Galloway
The Town of Greece in New York started their town meetings with prayer. Many people thought this was unethical since not everyone is the same religion those people took this to court. The court ruled in the favor of the town saying it went against the towns freedom of speech and freedom of religion.