Butler vs. Michigan
Alfred Butler sold a book to a police officer and was later fined for the book containing obscene language which could have a negative influence on children. He appealed and the court voted in favor of Butler -
Pickering v. Board of Education
Pickering wrote a letter to the school board about raising taxes in the community. They saw this letter as a threat and fired Pickering from the school. This was taken to court and voted in favor of Pickering. -
United States v. Obrien
O'Brien burned his draft card at a Boston courthouse to protest war and was convicted under a federal crime. The law was voted not to be unconstitutional. -
Bethel School District v. Fraser
Fraser was giving a speech in a school assembly and got in trouble for using inappropriate language and decided to appeal. The court voted in favor of the school as it wasn't appropriate in a school setting. -
Tinker vs Des Moines
Students got in trouble for wearing black armbands in school to protest the involvement in the Vietnam war. The supreme court voted against the school as it did not disrupt the learning process in any way. -
Heller v. New York
Heller was convicted for showing a sexually explicit movie in a movie theater that he owned and was noted guilty of obscenity. Heller brought it to court and it was voted in his favor -
Island Trees School District v. Pico
The Island Trees school district removed certain books containing religious viewpoints because parents ordered them to. Students took it to court where they voted that it did violate rights but they have the decision on what books are available. -
United Sates v. Eichman
Eichman set a flag on fire on the steps of the capital building while protesting and was quickly persecuted. The supreme court voted in his favor as he was just voicing his opinions -
Virginia v. Hicks
The RRHA in Richmond Virginia stated that in the Whitcomb apartments could remove people for "lacking a legitimate business or social purpose. The supreme court voted in favor of the RRHA. -
Morse vs. Frederick
A student displayed a banner at a school event that said "Bong hits 4 Jesus. He got in trouble and sued the school and the supreme court voted in favor of the school as it is promoting illegal drugs in a school environment. -
United States v. Alvarez
Alvarez was giving a speech and he lied about being in the military and earning honorary medals. The supreme court voted that he violated his free speech rights.