First Amendment

  • Reynolds VS United States

    Reynolds VS United States
    In this case the court examined whether the federal anti-bigamy statute violated the 1st Amendments free exercise clause because plural marriage is part of religious practice. It unanimously upheld the federal law banning polygamy noting that the free exercise clause forbids the government from regulating belief but does allow the government to punish activity judged to be criminal regardless of activities basis in religious belief.
  • West Virginia State Board of Education VS Barnette

    West Virginia State Board of Education VS Barnette
    This case marked the first time that the supreme court ever conceded that students had first amendment rights. During WWII the WVSBE passed a law requiring students to recite the pledge of allegiance. Several students who were Jehovah's Witnesses challenged the policy arguing their religion prevented them from swearing allegiance to anyone but God. The Supreme Court decided the students were in the right, the First Amendment struck down the ordinance as violating the right of free expression.
  • Everson VS Board of Education

    Everson VS Board of Education
    The court examined whether a NJ law allowing reimbursements to parents who sent their kids on buses operated by public transportation system to public and private schools was indirect aid to religion and thus a violation of the EC of the 1st amendment.The court ruled that the law was constitutional because the transportation reimbursements were provided to all students regardless of religion.Also the reimbursements were provided directly to the parents, no religious institution.
  • New Jersey VS T.L.O

    New Jersey VS T.L.O
    This case involved the constitutionality of the search by school administrators of a students purse that yielded drugs,drug paraphernalia,and evidence of drug sales that would lead to their criminal conviction&expulsion from the school.The SC ruled that students in a K-12 setting aren't entitled to the same level 4th Amendment search&seizure protection as individuals in a non-school setting. It was deemed the search of a students purse was constitutional due to them having reasonable suspicion.
  • Bethel School District 403 VS Fraser

    Bethel School District 403 VS Fraser
    Matthew Fraser made a speech at an assembly that was full of obscenities and innuendos. When the school attempted to discipline him, he sued. The supreme court sided with the school saying that Fraser failed the 'substantial disorder" part of the Tinker test. Chief Justice said that schools have the responsibility to instill habits and manners of civility values. This case brought about the rule that schools can take into account whether speech is offensive to other students.
  • Hazelwood School District VS Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood School District VS Kuhlmeier
    The school newspaper at HWEHS created controversy when it decided to publish articles on pregnant students, naming names, and one about students of divorced parents.The principal censored both articles and the editors sued. The SC ruled in the favor of the school due to the newspaper being a school-sponsored activity. Due to it being this type of program the school has the right to censor it based on many different factors. This decision was a defeat for students free speech right.
  • Franklin VS Gwinnett Public Schools

    Franklin VS Gwinnett Public Schools
    A HS student was subjected to sexual harassment by her econTeacher that included sexually explicit language,forced kissing,&coercive intercourse on schoolproperty.The SC ruled that victims may sue the school for $ damages under Title IX,the coreOfThis law is antiGender discriminationstatue.Gwinnett made it clear that victims of Title IX violations could also seek money damages thus increasing the pressure on schools&athletic programs to ensure compliance with all aspects of the federal law.
  • Vernonia School District 47 VS Acton

    Vernonia School District 47 VS Acton
    A football player for the school was denied the opportunity to participate in interscholastic athletics due to him refusing to participate in the schools drug testing program. The SC upheld the constitutionality of the schools random drug testing program for student athletes. They ruled that although the tests constituted a 4th Amendment search, they were reasonable given the school's interest in combating the problem of teen drug usage.
  • Santa Fe ISD VS Doe

    Santa Fe ISD VS Doe
    This was a question over whether a prayer delivered over a PA system before a public school football game violates the FA Establishment Clause. The court acknowledged that the Establishment Clause doesn't prohibit students from praying at any time they choose on school property, rather the prohibition is on government-involvement in the school. That means the court ruled that is was okay for individual students or for teams to say a prayer but the involvement of any government official isn't.
  • PGA Tour INC VS Martin

    PGA Tour INC VS Martin
    Martin was a golfer who had a degenerative leg disease that impaired his ability to walk,PGA refused to let him use a golf cart during one of their tournaments.The SC ruled in Martin's favor holding that the ADA requires reasonable accommodations be provided to an athlete with a disability unless it would "fundamentally change the nature of the sport". PGA's own doctors agreed that Martin should be given a golf cart, due to his leg being so severe and him being so fatigued after just the 1 hole.