First amendment

  • sedition

    it made criticism of the government, the constitution or the flag illegal. This was later changed because it restricts opinions.
  • office of censorship

    office of censorship
    Franklin D. Roosevelt created this to protect people. it made a office to moniter what kinds of things are allowed and not allowed to be said. It's not the most influencial.
  • chaplinsky V. New Hampshire

    chaplinsky V. New Hampshire
    the supreme court determinded that "fighting words" are not protected under the first admendment. This was made to protect people. Any words that are considered fighting words wouldn't be expressing an opinion anyway.
  • Dennis V. United States

    Dennis V. United States
    convicted 12 people advocatiing communism.and outlaws talk of doing something that overthrows the government for the saftey of others. The government is less likely to be attacketed.
  • Burstyn V. Wilson

    Burstyn V. Wilson
    declared that movies are now protected under the first admendment. considered a form of speach. "the Miracle". people can now make movies about almost anything you can talk about.
  • Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe

    Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe
    student led prayer at a football game was ruled illegal becuase of the public manner and becuase that it was specifically a christian prayer. people are no longer allowed to do omsething like this on government property in the public manner that it was in.
  • Republican Party of Minnesota v. White

    Republican Party of Minnesota v. White
    prevents judicial canidates from conveying their views on current political events and issues.
  • Virginia V black

    Virginia V black
    The Cross burning in a violation of the consititution. While it may convey an idea to the people doing it, it is primarily used to intimidate which is why it was made illegal. less violence and intimidation.
  • U.S. V. American library association

    U.S. V. American library association
    requires libraries and public schools to put filtering software on their computers in order to get funding. ended up being too hard to inforce.
  • Brown V. Entertainment Merchants assosiation

    Brown V. Entertainment Merchants assosiation
    the supreme court ruled that video games are a form of freedom of speech. They are now like movies and can be a way to convay opinions.