Jan 1, 1418
prince henrys school of navigation founded
prince henrys school of navigation was founded in 1418 to train explorers in navigation currents wind patterns and climate knowledge needed to venture outside into the undiscoverd areas -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
the renasance
the renasance was an age of invoation in the arts science and religon that occured from the 14th century to the 17th century and peaked from late 15th century to early 17th century -
May 29, 1453
the fall of constantinpole
the capital of the byzantine empire fell to invading ottoman forces led by mehemed II of the ottoman empire this led to the relocation of the ottoman empire capital to contstantinpole and renamed instanbul -
Oct 12, 1492
columbus discovers america
christopher columbus discovers america for spain and comes back for three more voyges to explore the newly discovered lands -
Jun 7, 1494
treaty of tordesillas
Jan 1, 1498
visco de gama finds water route around africa and sails to india
Jan 1, 1506
mona lisa finshed
lenardo da vinci finshes the mona lisa after working on it for 3 years -
Jan 1, 1509
Praise of Folly Written by Desiderius Erasmus
the praise of folly was a satrie written by erasmus it shows how self love, flattery, oblivion and pleasure promoted friendship and tolerance in the society and show a reflection of christan ideals of the 16th century -
Oct 31, 1517
95 theses posted by martin luther
Jan 1, 1518
tobacco introduced to europe
tobacco was introduced to europe for the first time from the americas in 1518 -
Period: Feb 1, 1519 to Aug 13, 1521
herman cortez of spain conquers the aztecs
cortez conqurers the aztec empire for spain and captures tenochtitlan captial of aztec empire with his men and native allies this would become mexico city after the conquest -
Period: Aug 10, 1519 to Apr 27, 1521
Magellan circumnavigates the globe
magelllan and his crew made the first cirrcumnaviation of the earth magellan did not survive the voyage but his crew maneged to make it back to spain in 1522 -
Apr 21, 1526
start of the mughal empire
babur founds the mughal empire which would spread though almost all of the indian subcontenent it was founded with the conquest of the sultanate of delhi in northern india and became the core of the empire -
Period: Jan 1, 1530 to Jan 1, 1533
francisco pizarro conqurers the incas
spain conqured over the incas led by francisco pizarro who clamed the land that strech from present day ecuador to chile for spain -
Jan 1, 1534
anglican church estabished by king henry VII
Jan 1, 1543
copernicus heliocentric theory published
copernicus publishs his heliiocentric theory to the public the heliocentric theory was when the planets revove around the sun and although coperncus was correct people refuse to belive him and the catholic church banned his book and views from being known to the public his theory was not acepeted until late17th to 18th century -
Dec 1, 1545
council of trent
was a a series of meeting set up by pope paul II with the first in dec 1545 it was done to discuss ideas to repel the prostestant power spreading across europe the council lasted for 18 years and discontuned in 1563 -
defeat of the spainsh armada
the spainsh armada was an atempt to invade england and overthrow elizabeth I it was a fleet of 130 ships and was so impresive it was called the invisible armada the attempt was unsucessful for the english had better firepower and had more ships than the spanish armada the spainsh tried to escape up northward around scotland ireland but only more ships were sinked due to bad weather navatigation and lack of supplies were also factors that the spainsh had to face half of the ships made it back -
shakespeare's play julius caesar debuts to crowds in globe theater
galieo first telescope
gaileo invented his own telescope for use to study the stars and space above earth -
Period: to
30 years war
a conflict that lasted 30 years began as a religous war between protestant states of the holy roman empire bohemia and the hapburgs that ruled the holy roman empire and spain the prostestants but it was turned into a politcal conflict between the hapsburgs and france france and the prostestants won in the end and peace of westphilia was a series of peace treatys signed to end the war in 1648 -
discovery of the circulation of blood by willam harvey
willam harvey discovered and study the circulation of blood he published his research and findings in frankfurt germany it tells how the blood circulation works around the body -
discourse on method by discartes was published
taj mahal bulit
taj mahal was built by shah jahan as a tomb for his wife mumtaz mahal it brought workers and materal from all over india and central asia to bulit the taj mahal it took over 20 years to complete it -
peak of the ottoman empire
the ottoman empire was at its greatest extent spreading from eastern europe towards western asia and north africa the ruler of the ottoman empire that led to the peak was suieman the magnificent -
newtons law of gravity published
issac newton publish his theory on universal gravitation it states that all planetary bodies atract to each other