first 3 presidents

  • judiciary acts

    judiciary acts
    Created a national court system. The Supreme court would settle the differences between state and federal laws. It also increased the number of federal judges.
  • Period: to

    Washington as president

  • Hamilton's financial plan

    Hamilton's financial plan
    Congress approved the plan to pay off the debt from the revolution, but people were skeptical. Congress created taxes on imported goods, and then on whiskey and other liquors. In the future, this would help their central government.
  • first bank was created

    first bank was created
    This increased trade, created a stable currency, and could allow loans and credits.
  • Proclamation of neutrality

    Proclamation of neutrality
    President Washington created a proclamation of neutrality, stating that America would not take sides in the conflict between France and Britain. This would prevent them from starting a conflict of their own with either side.
  • Jays Treaty

    Jays Treaty
    Britain started seizing U.S. trading ships and Americans were getting angry. Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to Britain to work out an agreement between them. Britain left them mostly alone, but still seized American ships. It was ratified a year later.
  • The whiskey rebellion

    The whiskey rebellion
    Washington marched over 12,000 men to Pittsburg to stop the rebellion. This showed everyone that the government was following the laws.
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    John Adams as president

  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    The French were angry and began taking over American ships. French agents demanded money in order for Americans to see the minister and this outraged Americans. This resulted in a naval war.
  • Alien and sedition acts

    Alien and sedition acts
    Four laws passed, which allowed the president to arrest and deport citizens of other countries that were living in America.
  • Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion

    Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion
    African Americans rebelled in order to show the unresolved issue of slavery. All of the rebels were caught and a lot were even executed.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon was going to sell New Orleans to the United States but instead sold all French claims. It greatly increased national debt but also increased the United States' size.
  • Period: to

    Jefferson as president

  • Marbury V. Madison

    James Madison never delivered the papers in order to appoint William Marbury as Justice of the Peace. Marbury sued Madison. It was declared unconstitutional.
  • Louis and Clark expedition

    Congress financed Jefferson's idea for an expedition to look at the land that was purchased during the Louisiana Purchase. The goal was to find river routes.
  • Hamilton and Burr

    Hamilton and Burr
    Hamilton did not like Burr, the vice president, and urged people not to support him. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel, where he is killed by Burr. This did not make Burr successful, as he had killed a powerful leader.
  • The Embargo of 1807

    Jefferson was angry about the acts committed by the Europeans. They had been attacking American ships and kidnapped American sailors. Jefferson outlawed trade with most countries. People started smuggling goods. The embargo angered the Americans and ruined Jefferson's second term.