Final Timeline Project- History

  • Westward Expansion- Gold Fever

    Westward Expansion- Gold Fever
    Gold Fever helped fuel and fund the Westward expansion making America what it is today, and how much land we own and protect.
  • The Assassination of President Lincoln 1865

    The Assassination of President Lincoln 1865
    John Wilkes Booth shoots president Lincoln in the back of the head in a theater box.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The Civil Rights act declared enslaved African Americans to be citizens and granted them equal rights and protection same as other people.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Mark Twains published book exposed the blatant political corruption in US history of the 1870's.
  • Unveiling of the Statue of Liberty

    Unveiling of the Statue of Liberty
    For every immigrant arriving in the US they saw the Statue of Liberty as a sign of freedom and the start of a new life. There were over a million people in attendance. Firefighters, troops and veterans marched down Broadway before the unveiling.
  • Child Labor During the Industrial Age

    Child Labor During the Industrial Age
    Children frequently worked in factories. The youngest children started at 5-6 years old and worked up to 12 hour shifts. They would work in horrible conditions with dangerous chemicals, fumes, poisonous gases and deadly machinery. They were also used for fixing big machines because they were so tiny and able to fit into small spaces and many were hurt doing this.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Known as The Great War is was the most deadliest and advanced war ever seen at the time. The introduction of trench warfare, machine guns, air warfare, tanks and chemical weapons.
  • The Flu Epidemic

    The Flu Epidemic
    675,000 Americans died from the Flu upon soldiers return from WWI. The average age of the death in the US from 1918-1919 was 28 years old. Most people would get sick in the night with high fevers. They would stay bedridden for almost a week feeling ill before dying.
  • Womens Right to Vote

    Womens Right to Vote
    The passing of the 19th amendment allowed women the right to vote. This amendment was passed in 1919.
  • Prohibition

    In 1917 congress passed a law making it illegal to make, sell and transport alcohol. Any and all alcohol that was found was confiscated and disposed of. Many people continued to drink and sell alcohol. They also had secret hideouts for gatherings.
  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

    Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
    The KKK was a violent racist group created after the civil war. They were mainly low class white people that despised the African American community. By the 1920's there was millions of them and they charged $10 just to join.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a series of financial crises that occurred such as the stock market crash, a recession and banks not having any money to give back to their clients. The Great Depression lasted over a decade and ended a year into WWII.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    During the Great Depression farmers overgrazed their land causing it to blow away. With strong enough winds it caused all of the loose land to form clouds of dust that darkened the sky for days on end.
  • Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

    Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
    President Roosevelt was a sign of new beginnings for America. The Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) was apart of the New Deal Program that allowed single men of 18-25 enlist to start working to improve Americas land, forests and parks. Enlisters made only $30 a month.
  • The New Deal Act

    The New Deal Act
    During President Roosevelts election he promised a new deal to Americans. This new deal was going to get the US out of the Great Depression. He wanted to find a new passage of banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, and agricultural programs.
  • WWII

    At the beginning of WWII propaganda was largely used to get people to enlist. WWII was the largest and deadliest conflict in human history. They fought in almost every part of the world by land sea and air.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese bombers flew over pearl harbor destroying all naval ships and thousands of crew members. There was supposed to be a US fleet flying over pearl harbor at the exact same time the Japanese did this is why no one was prepared for this attack. Radars had picked up the Japanese fleet but was mistaken for ours.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Only 7 months after Pearl Harbor the US and Japan met once again over a dot of land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This battle was won by the US after multiple US fleets took down several Japan ships trying to invade the island.
  • D-Day

    D-Day took place in Normandy, France. This was one of the bloodiest battles fought by the US, Canadians and UK to take over a beach held by the Germans. Over 4,000 troops were killed that day. This was also the largest naval, air and land battle in history.
  • Hiroshima

    Known as the most fearful sight the US dropped an atom bomb on a Japanese city called Hiroshima. By this time in 1945 Germany had already surrendered and the war in Europe was over but Japan was still around and sending thousands of suicide planes and 560,000 troops to meet the US.