The New Nation
When the need for slavery was getting to an all time low, the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney. It was invented help ease the process of removing the seeds from the cotton. This increased the need for slaves in the south to help pick the cotton. -
The New Nation
The Whiskey Rebellion was event where Pennsylvannia farmers were so angry at the 25 percent tax on whiskey so they protested the tax . The protesting got so out of hand that George Washington had to send in troops to break it up. This showed the strength of the federal government. -
The Guilded Age
Invention during guilded age was off the charts, wheather it was Samuel Morse and the Telegraph. Elisha Otis and the elevator safety brake, Henry Bessemer and the Bessemer Process, Edwin Drake and the Oil Drill. Also others were Alexander Bell and the telephone, Sholes and the typewritter, Ford and the Model T, and most important, Thomas Alva Edison and the incandescent light bulb in 1879. -
Expansion and Reform
Nationalism and sectionalism were very big during WWI and the Civil War. While Nationalism deals with pride in ones country, Sectionalism deals with pride in ones region. These are the 2 main reasons of the Civil War, the south wanted slavery for their region while the north wanted to get rid of it. -
Expansion and Reform
Andrew Jackson is most criticized for his use of the spoils system, which is rewarding political supporters or friends with government jobs even if they are unqualified. This put people in government who did not know what they were doing but still making lots of money -
The Age of Imperialism
Causes of US imperialism -
Roarin 20's Great Depression
Henry Ford was an industrial car maker and a Captain of industry.
He best known for his used of the assembyly line which made production cheaper, and for paying his workers around 5 dollars a day. Because of these 2 things it allowed henry Ford to sell an affordable car for all, and it also allowed to turn his workers into consumers. -
The Guilded Age
The American Frontier
Transcontinental railroad was a train sevice that helped to connect the East and West. This was very useful for farmers, because with the invention of box cars and mail order catalogs it allowed things to be shipped more easily. The railroad was made up of mostly Chinese and Irish immigrants. -
The American Frontier
The Omaha Platform was a demand by the populist party were they called for: The free coinage of silver and remove gold standard. Graduated income tax, direct election of senators, and an 8 hour work day for factory work. The populist party represented the people, which in return made this the people. -
The Age of Imperialism
Splendid Little War is a book written by John Hay which tells about all the thigs the us did in the Phillipenes and in Cuba.
In Cuba the us signed the Teller amendment which showed that the us had no intention of annexing Cuba. In the Phillipenes they became their own sovereign state. -
The Age of Imperialism
In the late 1800's and early 1900's many nations felt that china was the key to a great economy so they divided china into the " Spheres of Influence." Many thought the dividing was unfair so John Hay suggested and open door policy where there would be equal trading rights for all. In response to foreighners the chinese tried to kick out the foreigners in an event called the boxer rebellion, but it was unsuccesful. -
Booker T and WEB are 2 pronound leaders of african americans in the late 1800's. They both wanted equality but thought of etting it 2 different ways. Booker T thought that you earn equality and respect by learning a trade, while WEB thought that you should demand equality and that you deserve it right away. -
Book written by Upton Sinclair about the terrors of the meat packing industry. The book describes the horrible, detestable, disgusting, disasterous, and despicable nature of the industry.
His book led to many strict laws and restrictions in the industry. -
The Great War
Mania is an acronym which is used to represent the 5 reasons of World War 1.
M : Militarism, Countires in Europe hoarding military equipment
A : Aliances, Triple Entente- France GB Russia Triple Aliance - Germany Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
N : Nationalism, Ethnic groups demanding their own nation
I : Imperialism, Countries racing to get colonies outside of thier borders
A : Assasination, Serbian kills heir to the throne Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary. -
In the suth there were many voting restrictions used to discourage blacks from voting. These included literacy tests, poll taxes and grandfather clauses. These things disenfranchised the African-American voter -
The Great War
US Enters WW1 for 3 reasons, the first was anti-german propoganda, this helped because people in america who liked or supported the french and british would make poster against the germans because other countries would depict the as murderers and barbarians. Second was the Zimmerman Telegraph which was a note sent by the Germans asking Mexico to attack the US in exchacge for lands lost like Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. The third and final reason was German unrestricted submarine warfare. -
The Great War
14 points was a speech given by President Woodrow Wilson. It backed up Wilsons motto of "Peace Without Victory." It said within it that to have a better world without war terms must be fair to all nations, no matter who started the war. -
Roarin 20's Great Depression
The Dust Bowl was a weather tragedy in the 1930's, and it occured in the southern plains area of the United States. It was caused by many things like overfarming and servere drought. Because of this many families were devistated and moved west to get away from the crazy weather and dust storms. -
World War II and the Cold War
Appeasement was a strategy of giving someone whatever they wanted so that they would not attack you. This was demonstrated in the form of the Munich Pact, this was when France and Great Britian agreed to give Hitler Czechoslovakia in exchange hitler promised not to claim any other land. He did NOT keep his promise. -
World War II and the Cold War
Blitzkrieg was a strategy of lightning war used by Hitler and Germany against countries like Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. This strategy was dangerous because the Germans would attack hard and fast, which by the time you realized what was going on it was too late. -
World War II and the Cold War
Japanese Internment was inacted as a fearful response to Japaneses bombing of Pearl Harbor. During this time Japenese
people were confined in camps on the west coast for during the war. This was upheld in the court case Korematsu v. US in 1944. -
Recovery Prosperity and Turmoil
Started by Rosa Parks the Montgomery Bus Boycotts were when over 50,000 african americans carpooled or walked and refused to ride buses for nearly a year. Then in November of 1956 the Supreme court ruled that buses in Montgomery be integrated. -
Recovery Prosperity and Turmoil
Event where more than 200,000 people gathered between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Memorial to place pressure on congress to pass the civil rights act. This where Martin Luther King gave his famous speech, " I Have A Dream." -
Recovery Prosperity and Turmoil
While Richard Nixon was working on his re-election campaign 5 men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Convention Headquarters and trying to steal campaign information. One of the people elected were apart of nixons re-election committee, Because of this Richard Nixon later resigned, even though he has always denied ever knowing anything about it. -
The United States since the Vietnam War
Ronald Reagan used the SDI as a threat even though it wasnt real. It was origionaly planned to be able to blow anything out of the sky before it could reach us airspace. Because of this the USSR could not spend money to make something like that and used policies lie glanost and perestrokia to restructure the Soviet Union -
The United States since the Vietnam War
A group of chinese students attempted to force democracy on their government. Because of the hundreds were killed and thousands of others were arrested and placed in prision. This event shows the strangle hold of communism on foreign countries. -
The United States since the Vietnam War
This the day that hijackers crashed 2 comercial jets into twin towers of the World Trade Center, ther jets were crashed into the pentagon and in a field in pennsylvannia. 2,992 were killed on this day. Osama Binladen and Al-Queda are blamed for this. This event created a great sense of nationalism and also hate of many foreigners from the middle east.