Final project: World History

  • Period: 200 to 500

    Holy Roman Empire.

    Location: Europe, rome
    Achievements: They discovered social, why you might ask? Well, for centuries they all would do anything you can think of but; the main activity was painting.
  • Period: 221 to

    Imperial China

    Location: Asia, Yangtze river/Yellow river
    Achievements: Gunpowder, Compass.
  • Period: 250 to 900


    Location: Yucatán, or Central America.
    Achievements: Calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing.
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Empire

    Location: Northern South Asia
    Achievements: The decimal system of notation,
  • Period: 330 to 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    Location: Constantinople, Europe
    Achievements: Greek science, philosophy, arts, and literature.
  • Period: 500 to 1200


    Location: North Central, Sahel.
    Achievements: Government and wealth, this is because the king would tax the people in his town; gaining trust, he ruled and got many people admitted into the military.
  • Period: 634 to

    Muslim Empire.

    Location: Mecca, North Africa,
    Achievements: Gained a whole population, having doing so; Muhammad, the one who told people about the Qur'an. Gained major respect, thats adds in the social aspect.
  • Period: 794 to 1185


    Location: Asia.
    Achievements: Government, which also falls in the military category, with so here is an explanation; it lands in there because the military is apart of the government! It is a HUGE part of everyone on this timeline.
  • Period: 1226 to


    Location: West africa.
    Achievements: Their music, it has to do with culture since it has impacted them forever.
  • Period: 1400 to 1532


    Location: Peru, South America
    Achievements: Cultural, the Incas created a device called the "quipu" this helped with people that had either lost their voice or worse, were mute.
  • Period: 1428 to 1519


    Location: "The valley of Mexico" North America.
    Achievements: Environmental, because what they did, and living where they lived; it was inspirational to many, the Aztec created a whole city!
  • Period: 1460 to


    Location: West Africa, Sahel.
    Achievements: Gold, part of culture because they were so rich, it really fit.