Final Project- Tyler Young

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    The Industrial Era

    During the Industrial Era, America shifted and become very dependent on industry and manufacturing. This was caused by a number of things. First, there was a large amount of people immigrating to the US looking for jobs. There were also natural resources, fuels, inventions, transportation, and technology.
  • The Invention of Coca Cola

    The Invention of Coca Cola
    One of the many inventions during the Industrial era was Coca-cola. The first idea of coca-cola came from Colonel John Pemberton, who was injured in the Civil War, and as a result became addicted to Morphine. He wanted to find a healthier alternative to such a dangerous substance. As a result, he came up with the prototype for Coca Cola.
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    The Imperialism Era

    Imperialism is the policy where stronger nations extend their control over weaker nations.
  • The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War
    The Spanish-American war was a result of imperialism. The war lasted only 10 weeks, and resulted in America's involvement in the Cuban War of Independence. The U.S. was aggravated by the mysterious sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor. The main issue of the war was Cuban Independence. The result of the war was the 1898 Treaty of Paris, which gave America temporary control over Cuba.
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    The Progressive Era

    Progressivism is the social changes that happened as a result of the industrial era. Progressivism eventually became a politiacal ideaology which believed that the Countries problems could best be addressed by education, a safe environment, and a safe and healthy workplace. In addition, progressivism called for removing corruption from the government.
  • The Pure Food and Drug Act

    The Pure Food and Drug Act
    One of the many things that came out of the Progressive Era was the Pure Food and Drug Act. The Pure Food and Drug act went into effect in 1906, and worked to regulate food in the United States to ensure it was safe, and that information about what is in your food is widely available. The passing of this act created the Food and Drug Administration
  • Prohibition

    One characteristic of the roaring twenties was that alcohol was illegal during it. In 1920, the government passed the 18th amendment which banned alcohol. Results of this were rather catostrophic, including increase crime and more.
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    The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties was a time of social and political change. It started because there were more people living in cities than in farms for the first time. It was charatarised also by the growth of wealth, which almost doubled from 1920-1929.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the US history. The depression caused millions of people to be unemployed, banks to fail, and more. It was caused in part by the events that took place during the Roaring Twenties, such as the introduction of credit, and more.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    In October 1929, after a record inscrease in stock prices, the stock market crashed, causing mass panic, and everyone in turn sold their stocks, which made the market crash even further. This started the Great Depression
  • Rationing

    During World War II, supplies were running extremely short, and lots were needed for soldiers fighting. As a result, supplies were rationed and people could only get a limited supply of thing like food, gas, etc. Rationing was the only way to ensure that prices stayed reasonable and everyone got a fair share.
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    World War II

    World War II was primarily caused by Germany and Adolf Hitler. Important people were Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini.
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    The Cold War

    The cold war was a period of great tension between the US and the Soviet union. The cold war was a result of two very different political styles, communism and capitalism. The cold war had many proxy wars, but no actual fighting between the two countries occured.
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    The Fiftes

    The 50's was a time in the dead center of the Cold War, and was a time where the tensions grew quite strong between the Soviets and the US. In addition, there were issues between Cuba and the US, and many social changes.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was essentially a proxy war between the US and the Soviet Union. The US helped capitalist South Korea while the Soviet Union helped Communist North Korea. The war lasted about 3 years and resulted in Korean Armistice Agreement, basically a draw, and Korea is still seperated to this day.
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    Civil Rights Era

    The Civil Rights era was a period of great change in the US. There were many advances in equal rights for all people. Included in this period were movements for Rights for African Americans and more.
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    The Vietnam War was another proxy war, like the Korean War, Communist and Anti-communist forces. The war ended in 1973 and North and South Vietnam were reunited. The war, however, marked the loss of a huge amount of lives.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    In September of 1957, nine African American students enrolled into an all white School in Little Rock, Arkansas. They tested a landmark 1954 U.S Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. On September 4, 1957, first day of school, Governor Orval Faubus, called in the state National Guard to bar the kids from entering the building. But later that month, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, sent the Federal Troops to escort the “Little Rock Nine” into the school.
  • The Cuban Revolution

    The Cuban Revolution
    The Cuban Revolution was when the corrupt Cuban leader, Batista, where Cuba essentially paired with the Soviet Union and became communist. It resulted in many embargos between the US and Cuba, many of which are still in effect today.
  • End of the Vietnam War

    End of the Vietnam War
    At the end of the Vietnam War, in 1973, the remaining soldiers in Vietnam from the US were withdrawn. As a result, North Vietnam was victorious, but eventually, the two countries reunited.