House of Burgesses
In 1619 the Virginia Company allowed the House of Burgesses to be established. The House of Burgesses was the first representative body for the colonies. It was also the start of government and politics in the early colonial America. -
Stamp Act
In March 1765 the Britain king wanted more control over everything, so he passed the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act allowed parliament to tax the colonists on all imported and printed goods. Although the king was able to pass this and make more money, it was one of the main causes of the revolution which led to the colonists to fight back and take their freedom back. -
Articles of Confederation
In 1777 the Continental Congress passed the Articles of Confederation which were articles that gave the 13 states and the federal government certain powers and rights, it was also the base of the original constitution of America. It was written mainly by John Dikinson in Pennsylvania. -
Louisiana Purchase
In 1803 President Jefferson was in fear of war so he sent Lewis and Clark to go explore for land. They found land from the Mississippi river all the way to the rocky mountains. Jefferson bought this land from France to avoid war and expand America and become more powerful. -
Battle of Antietam
Sharpsburg, Maryland ,1862 the bloodiest day of the whole war took place. The battle of Antietam involved the armies of the Union and Confederates and was the bloodiest day in the Civil war and resulted in the Union retreating back to Virgnia. -
Battle of Shiloh
In April, 1862 the battle of Shiloh took place in Tennessee. The battle of Shiloh was a brutal, bloody battle in Southwest Tennessee which ended in a bad defeat for the Union (North). -
In 1909 , Springfield Illinois, after WEB Dubois and many other African Americans pushing and fighting for equality, the NAACP was formed. NAACP was an organization that aimed to gain equal rights for blacks and to end discrimination, led ny WEB Dubois. -
The Great Depression
The great depression occurred in the 1920's/1930's. The Great Depression was caused by the crash of the stock market and everyone trying to take their money out at the same time. The Depression cause lots of unemployment, poverty, hunger, and poor health but was ended by WW2 -
Pearl Harbor
On December, 7, 1941 Japan sent a surprise attack on the U.S Navy base in Hawaii which led to the U.S entering World War 2 -
Berlin Airlift
During the Cold War Stalin blocked resources from coming in so he would have more control over the communist territory, The United States and Britain flew supplies over to West Berlin (non communists). -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
In 1957 Congress and President Eisenhower passed the Civil rights Act of 1957 which gave the U.S Civil Rights Commission the right to investigate and make new laws dealing with discrimination and civil rights and disputes. -
Persian Gulf War
In January, 1991 the U.S went to war against Iraq in a country called Kuwaiti over the control of oil supply.