The Trojan War - 1250 B.C
The Achaeans banded together under the leadership of the king of Mycenae to attack Troy, a rival power. Paris, a Trojan prince, kidnapped Helen wife of the king of Sparta. The Spartan king and his brother, King Agamemnon of Mycenae, enlisted the help of Greece to rescue Helen. -
The Dark Age 1100 B.C.
The Achaean civilization suffered a disastrous blow when Dorian invaders swarmed into Greece. The Dorians plundered the rich cities of the Pelonnesus and disrupted trade. Greece entered a troubled period. -
Founding The Republic in Rome- 509 B.C.
In the republic, all citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders. The elected leaders represent he people and rule intheir name. -
Prosperity In The Pax Romana- 27 B.C.
An efficient, stable government ensured peace and allowed the Roman Empire to grow in wealth and power. During the Pax Romana, Rome became an international city. -
The Life of Jesus-7-2 B.C.
Jesus the founder of Christianity, was born in Bethlehem, according to the gospels, Jesus grew up in Nazareth, studied with priests in the synagogue, and learned the trade of a carpenter. Jesus began preaching to the poor and performed miracles. -
The Fall of Rome-476 A.D.
A minor Germanic chief, Odoacer, captured Rome and forced the emperor to give up the throne. Odoacer then proclaimed himself king of Italy. -
Improvements In Medicine-1500s-1600s
Some scientists began to challengedthe theories of Galen, like copernicus and galileo, they faced strong oppositions because mosts dscholars accepted the ancient theories over modern view.A professor of medicine who found that the body he was dissecting did not look like the one shown in Galens text. -
The English Civil War- 1642
The kings supporters were called Cavaliers and Parliament recruited its troops mostly from middle class. Many puritans fought for parliament. -
The Glorious Revolution-1685
James II inherited the throne and was determined to make Pariliament grant toleration for Catholics. Ingnoring the Test Act, James placed Catholics in high government post and in army. Pariliament protested. -
Reign of Terror-1793
In the face of domestic and foreign threats, the National Convention took drastic action and set aside the consitution. They created a Committee of Public Safety and almost dictatorial powers. It waged a brutal campaign against people it conseidered enemies of France. -
The French Revolution-1789
In France, the revolution ended feudalism, with its special privileges for clergy and novles. Although the monachy was eventually restored in France, a written constitution limited the kings power. -
The Revolution of 1830
At the Congress of Vienna, the Dutch and Austrian Netherlands had been united under the Dutch king. However the Belgians who lived in the south of the new country, despised the arrangement. -
The Revolution of 1848
The kings chief ninister, cancelled a huge public banquet in Paris because he feared it would lead to deonstrations and disorder. -
The Development Of The Steam Engine- 1760s
James Watt developed a steam engine 4 times more power than Newcomen's engine from the same amount of coal. -
The Industrial Revolution- 1760
The Industrial Revolution started in Britain because of their advantages of iron and coal. -
The Rise of Romantiscm-1800-1850
Many writers began to reject the Enlightenment faith in rason. The thought people should be ruled by their fearts, not their heads. -
The Abolishment Of Slavery In Britain-1833
This was an act of Parliament of the united kingdoms and spread through the who brithish empire. -
The Dreyfus Affair-1894
Captain Alfred Dreyfus was the first jewish officer to be named to the general staff of the French army, was accused of ging military secrets to the Germans. -
The Emancipation Edict-1861
Alexander II isued the Emancipation Edict freeing all serfs. -
The Creation of 'a Dual Monarchy-1867
The Magyars had log demanded greater autonomy, within the Astrian Emprie. Even through the Austrians had ignored Hugarian demands the Magyars fought loyally with them in the war with Pussia. -
The Age Of Imperialism-1870
The Participation of Africa is just one example of European expansion in the late 1800s. Imperialism is the domination by one country of the plitical, economic or cultural life of another country or region. -
The Boer War-1899
The British officially recognized the independence of the Boer republics in 1852. Thousands of British adverterers flocked north from the Cape colony to seek their fortunes in the mines. Moreover, Cecil Rhodes, the prime minsterof the Cape Colony, ahd a grand plan to build a "Cape to Cairo." -
End of Isolation in Japan- 1854
Japan signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with the Unted States.The treaty opened up two Japanese ports to foreign trade and met he other American damands. -
Tho Opium War- 1840
The Chinese decided to end the opium trade. In 1839 the government destroyed $6 million worth of opium that the British had brought to canton. The British responed with military forces.