CH 27 Mexico Wins Independance From Spain
-ended the rule of Spain
-I chose this because I am Mexican
-caused by Spain contolling Mexico and ended with Mexico gaining back their power -
CH 27 Monroe Doctorine
-US would not tolerate further colonization by any foreigners
-I chose this because it is interesting
-caused by the Europeans wanting to have land in US but the affect was this policy -
CH 27 First Ship Travel On Panama Canal
-canal that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
-I chose this because Ive heard about this canal
-caused by imperialism and ended in a easy trade route in Panama -
CH 28 WWI Begins
-first world war
-I chose it because it involves the hole world
-cause was countries not agreeing and then broke out war -
CH 28 Tanks For WWI
- armoured all-terrain fighting vehicles were first deployed as a response to the problems of trench warfare -I chose this because it was was a new weapon in those days -cause was people need protection effect is more power
CH 30 March Revolution
-Duma assumed control of the country, forming the Russian Provisional Government.
- I chose this because the Duma cought my attention
-caused by hungry rioters ended in wanting order in Russia -
CH 28 Influenza Epidemic
-highly contagious viral infection
-I chose it because it killed many people and it is interesting
-caused by some one bringing the disease to foreign places during war ended in millions dead -
CH 29 Womans Right to Vote
- right of women to vote and to stand for electoral office -I chose this because i think this is important -cause was more females contibuting to working and effected new policy so they can vote
CH 30 Stalins Rise to Power
-Stalin having full dictatorship
-I chose this because Stalin was very infamous
-caused by the exspultion of Trostsky and ended to the rise of Stalin -
CH 29 Great Deppression
-deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world
-I chose this because the world is still struggling
-caused by stress of the war and effected many parts of the financially -
CH 30 Election Victory of Nazi Party
- ruling Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler -I chose this because its a major part of history -cause was the anti jew party resulted in rule of Adolf Hitler
CH 29 New Deal FDR
-programs and policies to improve conditions for people suffering in the deppression
-I chose this because today there is still programs to help people who struggle
-caused by the Great Deppression but affect didnt really change much -
CH 31 Battle of Britain
-Germany vs Britain
-I chose this because it seems like a really bad event to live through
-cause was Germany wanting power and ended in destruction of many parts mostly London -
CH 31 Pearl Harbor
-surprise military strike by the Japanese
-I chose this because it had a big impact in US history
-cause was Japan and US rivalry ended in 2400 casualties -
CH 31 Holocaust Revealed
-allied tropos march into Germany and find concentration camps for Jews and other enemies
-I chose this because the Holocaust was a horrible event
-cause was the Nazis and the effect was the Holocaust -
CH 35 Partition of India
-partition of the British Indian Empire
-I chose this because I dont know much about India
-cause was the sharing of land and effect was the partition -
CH 32 The Marshall Plan
-US gave aid to the people in poverty in Europe
-I chose this because i didnt know the US helped Europe
-cause was the war and effect was US making the Marshall Plan -
-military alliance formed
-I chose this because it was the begining of a alliance
-caused by the war ended in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization -
CH 35 Peoples Republic of China
-creation of a people's democratic dictatorship
-I chose this because i didnt know that people chose to have a dictator
-cause was Mao Zedong and result was the Peoples Republic -
CH 32 De-Stalinization
-Soviet Union period of reform
-I chose this because it was trying to fix itslef from what Stalin made the Soviet Union
-cause was Stalins death and ended in the reform of Russia -
CH 35 Indira Gandhi Assasinated
-bodyguard who was a Sikh pulled out a .38 revolver and shot her
-I chose this because her name caught my attention
-cause was different peoples having different views and reslut was many casualities including Indira Gandhi