Period: to
Qing Dynasty
Period: to
High Point of Atlantic Slave Trade
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1st Industrial Revolution
American Revolution
Wealth of Nations Published
French Revolution
Latin American Revolutions
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Decline of Ottoman Empire
Opium Wars
Communist Manifesto Published
Commander Perry opens Japan
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Crimean War
British Gain Control of India
Suez Canal Built
Russian Serfs Emancipated
Italian Unification
Meji Restoration
Period: to
2nd Industrial Revolution
German Unification
Period: to
Scramble for Africa
Berlin Confrence
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European Spheres of Influence in China
Chinese Revolution
Period: to
Treaty of Versailles
Rise of Fascism in Europe
Period: to
Great Depression
Nazi Rise to Power (Germany)
Period: to
The Great Purge (USSR)
Period: to
Period: to
The Holocaust
Period: to
Cold War
Japanese Empire Ends
NATO Established
Warsaw Pact
Period: to
African Independence
Cuban Missile Crisis
Military Coup in Nigeria
beginning of military dictatorship in Nigeria, and first military coup in Africa -
Chinese Cultural Revolution
Communist Government in Angola (Peoples Republic of Angola)
Fall of Berlin Wall
Earliest Web Browser Released
Formation of EU
South Africa becomes Democratic, Nelson Mandela