Final Health Project

By 706693
  • Physical Health

    Crystal is overweight . She alwas eat out of emotional distress and even boredom. It has finally become a problem for crystal.
  • Overcoming being Overweight

    Crystal decides that it is time to lose weight. She realized that she was gaining weight rapidly and decided to see her doctor about it and he prescribed her to a feel good weight loss clinic. Crystal is now steadily losing weight and feeling better than ever. She also eats healthy foods and has cut all junk food out of her diet.
  • Improving and Goals.

    Crystal cleans out her fridge and goes to the store to buy lots of healthier foods. Crystal also runs 3 miles every day.
  • A Time of Struggle

    Crystal recently found out her favorite uncle Jim has died and she begins to slip back into old habits due to grief. Crystal stops running and sits inside her house. She also consumes large amounts of junk food in short periods of time. All of the weight she worked hard to lose , she is now gaining back.
  • Taking action.

    After sitting in bed for weeks doing nothing , Crystal's friend Sarah decides it's time to take action and help her friend out of her funk. Sarah sends Crystal to her old grief counselor. Crystal finally begins to accept that her uncle is gone and is moving out of the denial stage of grief.
  • Emery

    Emery's friend Jared began drinking at a party a couple of weeks ago, Emery is beginning to worry about Jared because now he's binge drinking.
  • Concerns

    Emery is really starting to worry about Jared ; so she decides to send him a letter explaining some negative effects of drinking.
  • The Letter

    Dear Jared , I'm really starting to worry about you. You've been drinking so much , and I know you say it feels good but it's doing so many negative things to your body. It's destroying your pancreas and your liver. It can cause alchohal poisoning which is when you go into a state of unconsciousness and possibly die. You could also develope alcoholism which is a disease you get from drinking alcohol so much. I really hope you'll stop drinking because it's not just hurting me. It's hurting you.
  • Losing Uncle Ben

    Kate's uncle Ben just lost his fight to cancer. Ever since the funeral , Kate has been experiencing denial and anger. Kate's family is noticing that she just won't believe that her uncle is dead and whenever they try to bring up the matter , she just lashes out against them.
  • Kate

    Kate doesn't want to believe that her uncle is dead. Kate is in the denial stage of grief . Kate prays and hopes that he'll come back. She says she'll do anything for him to just come back. Kate is also in the bargaining stage of grief.
  • Diabetes

    Rachelle just learned that diabetes runs in her family. Her mother has it and her grandmother had it , and now she's worried because she loves sweets and she eats them every day. She decides to cut sweets out of her daily diet and only eats sweets once every other week.
  • Lower Risk

    Rachelle is now at a lower risk for Diabetes , Thyroid cancer , and asthm now that she's stopped eating sweets so excessively.
  • Dad starts smoking again

    Dad starts smoking again
    Joe's dad quit smoking in 2008 and has stayed clean for the past 5 years but , yesterday joe saw his dad smoking in the backyard while he was walking home from school. Joe is worried his dad will slip back into his old habits.
  • Worries

    Joe is worried about his dad contracting lung cancer. He also doesn't want his dad to have bad breath or yellow teeth. Joe is also worried about his dad contracting Bronchitis.
  • Drunk driving

    Drunk driving
    Lucy takes the keys from her friend Sue , who is obviously drunk." Sue you can't drive right now. Do you have any idea of the thousands of people who die each year from drunk driving accidents ? You could go to jail just FOR drunk driving . "
    Sue just nods drunkenly.
    " Ugh. Get in the Car . " sighed lucy.
  • Home Sick

    Gabby is home sick with the flu and doesn't know what to do to treat it. So she calls her friend Garrett and asks him what to do. As Garrett tells her what to do , she writes everything down on a notepad :
    - get plenty of rest
    - take antibiotics
    - stay away from other people
  • Prevention

    Gabby decides the only way to prevent erself from being sick is to:
    -stay away from people who are sick
    -maintain a healthy lifestyle
    -being as cleanly as possible
  • Puberty

    Gabe is starting to notice that his voice is getting deeper and that he's growing facial hair. Gabe is going through puberty. All the girls in his class are telling him that he's been very rude lately. Gabe is also beginning to feel much older and more grumpy.
  • Abstinence

    3 tips my parents gave me on being abstinent :
    - don't put yourself into a setting where you know there'll be sex
    - practice refusal skills and saying "no"
    - ask yourself if you are ready
    - make sure this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with . ( prefferably your husband )