
  • 200 BCE


    Ancient people of Rome and Greece made aqueducts to route water pathways
  • 1527

    Magnifying water particles

    Magnifying water particles
    Zacharias Janssen and his son Hans used lenses and tubes to magnify things which helped to clean water
  • Modifying Janssens invention

    Modifying Janssens invention
    Around a century later a man named Anton Van Leeuwenhoek modified the Janssens invention to make it magnify 270 times larger
  • Citywide water filteration

    Citywide water filteration
    In 1804 the first citywide water filtration system n the United kingdom was made in Paisley Scotland by putting filters in every citizens house
  • The clean water act

    The clean water act
    In 1972 the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Water Act due to a dirty water crisis