Jurassic 195m - 136m
Earliest birds and mammals first start to develop and theres a bunch of dinosaurs and ammonities -
Large Carnivores, humans, mastadons and also neanderthols -
Triassic 225m- 195m
this is the period of the early dinosaurs a bunch of cycads and conifers -
Cambriens - 570 - 500 mya
Earliest knowledge of marine life that we know of & they were around 500 million years ago, eventually some were able to go onto land. -
Ordovician 500 - 435 m
This is the period when sea cucumber, sea urchins and sand dollar first started to develop and invertebrates ar dominants and mullusk become abundent. during this period, the area north of the tropics was almost entirely ocean, and most of the world's land was collected into the southern supercontinent of the period -
silurian 435m - 395 m
very first earliest terrestrial plants and animals and Tiktaalik
Eurypterids develop -
devonian 395m - 345m
Armored fish go extinct fish amphibians and ammonites first started develop and adapt -
A lot of sharks and amphibians at the time the world was mostly a big swampy place earliest tree and seed ferns -
permian 280m - 225m
this is when there is many extinctions with many marine life -
This is when the earliest flower plants started to develop, climax of dinosaurs followed by extinction. huge decrease of brachiopods & a bunch of bony fish -
Earliest placental mammals, modern mammals, very big animals that can run at you