
  • Kodak

    George Eastman invents the first camera.
  • Motion Pictures

    By 1892 Edison and Dickson invented a motion picture camera and a peephole viewing device called the Kinetoscope. They were first shown publicly in 1893
  • The first movie

    The first movie
    Edison and Dickson publicly display "The Great Train Robbery"
    12 minutes long, directors, and narratores
  • MPPC

    Edison and several other companies formed a trust known as the Motion Picture Patents Company
  • Nickelodeons

    Nickelodeons are averaging 26 million views
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Charlie Chaplin blows up in Hollywood making over 1mil a year for comedy in silent films
  • sound

    sound technology begins to develop
  • Color in the wind

    Color in the wind
    The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind both introduce color in movie
  • Talkies take over

    Talkies take over
    Sound develop is established over time silent films stop and everyone is all about talkies
  • Block busters

    Block busters
    Jaws becomes the first blockbuster with its cgi and storyline
  • Titanic

    takes the us by storm with the romance and tragic event of hundreds loosing their lives on a sinking boat hitting an iceberg.
  • Youtube

    on the lunching of youtube you could share videos of your criticism on movies, stores, shows, etc. Big companies shares trailers of movies, ads to get their film out to the public and hit main stream audiences, or sponsor creators to get their viewers to watch the movie.