The font of the film title Jaws, relates to the film. The colour of the title is a deep red, which is used to connote danger and blood which foreshadows what is going to happen later on in the film. The J of the film title is a fish hook, which also helps the audience try to figure the narrative of the film & if it relates to any of the characters. The title is also in all capital letters which therefore shows that the antagonist is big and dangerous and that it is a bold, importnat characters. -
Deep Blue Sea
The font of this film title helps make suggestions for the films narrative. The name of the film, Deep Blue Sea, foreshadows that the narrative has something to do with the sea & what might be lurking in there. The colour of title is a gradient that goes from black to red. This conotes danger and blood, it foreshadows there is going to be some deaths in the film. The gradient also suggests that blood spreading in the water/sea means more than one death & that the anatoginist is a killing machine -
The genre of the film is thriller-fantasy.The Undeworld font is thin and black which makes it look gothic and is set against a white light as if someone is shining a light at it, it gives it an annomus feels to it. This realtes to the narrative of the film because it is about vampires, werewolves and the super natural which is seen as gothic. The colour black is known as a thriller colour as it represent evil and death, which happens in the film. -
Hide and Seek
The genre of this film is horror, mystery thriller. The name of the film Hide and Seek foreshadows what the film is about, relating to the genre. The main character has hide from the evil that is seeking them. The font of Hide and Seek has random lines in it which suggests maybe the creek in a door where someone maybe hiding and the colour of the font is white which may conote a light to show someone is seeking. The title is also in capital letters but is also thin which tells them to be careful -
Side Effects
The genre of this film is crime, drama thriller. The title side effects makes you think of mediacation, hospitals so this could relate to the narrative. Another clue is the way the title is layed out. The font is simple, in capital block letters and the colour white and is set infornt of a red cross. This resembles the first aid sign but in a different colour. Red conates danger, this can foreshadow there is dangerous character.