The Phenakistoscope was Introduced
http://courses.ncssm.edu/gallery/collections/toys/html/exhibit07.htm Joseph Plateau introduced the Phenakistoscope in 1832. The Phenakistoscope used the persistence of motion to make the pictures look like they're moving. -
Zoetrope was Invented
http://courses.ncssm.edu/gallery/collections/toys/html/exhibit10.htm The zoetrope was almost a toy. You could draw on it to make a "film". It was a drum-like figure. -
Camera with Bellows
http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/Collection/Photography/PhotographicTechnology/CollectionItem.aspx?id=1908-134 The bellows camera was made by Thomas Ottewill. It was a little folding camera. -
Leland Stanford's Bet
http://agilewriter.com/Biography/Muybridge.htm Eadweard Muybridge bet the govenor of California about a horse, and how the horse can run with all his legs in the air. -
Eadward Muybridge Invented the Zoopraxiscope
http://infostory.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/moving-pictures-zoopraxiscope/ Muybridge demonstrated a devise that projected pictures to make them look like the object was moving called, the Zoopraxiscope. -
George Eastman introduced the FIrst Hand-Held Box Camera
http://www.kodaksefke.nl/kodak-original-1888.html The first hand held camera eas invented. It was called the 'Kodak camera'. -
Dickson Invents the Kinetograph
http://inventors.about.com/od/kstartinventions/a/Kinetoscope_2.htm The Kinetograph was filed and patented in 1891. -
Black Maria
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edmvhist1.html This was the first movie production studio. -
Fred Ott's Sneeze was made in the "Black Maria"
http://www.retronaut.co/2010/07/fred-otts-sneeze-january-1894/ Fred Ott sneezed. You could watch it through a kinetoscope. -
First Kinetoscope open parlor in New York
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edmvhist1.html The first "movie theater" was opened. -
Louis Lumiere Made first Motion Picture Camera
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blmotionpictures.htm Lumiere made the first motion picture camera. The camera was called the "Cinematographe". -
Lumiere Bros. first public screening of a film ever.
http://www.alchemists.com/visual_alchemy/lumiere.html The Lumiere bros. were the first to show a public screening of a show in the world. -
Thomas Edison invents the kinetoscope.
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edmvhist.html Thomas Edison invented the kinetoscope. It was a projector type item that used rolls of film to put a "movie" in an eyehole so people can look through and see. -
A Trip to the Moon
http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/29935%7C0/A-Trip-to-the-Moon.html This film was probably the most popular film of its time. -
The Great Train Robbery is Filmed
http://www.filmsite.org/grea.html This is the first actual film in the cinema world.