The Bet?
The idea of film was first writen after two characters had a bet over if a horse runs its fastest when all its feet are pff of the ground. To solve this, the two set up multiple cameras side by side and all snape photos at the same time in order to get a picture perfect view of each step the horse took asa paused frame. The bet was later concluded that horse can run off the ground but it also accused the idea of film. -
Cinematographe (Lumiere Brothers)
Created earlier in time by Thomas Edison, the Cinematographe allowed film to be projected on screen. But this invention by Edison never took foot in a public place due to his greed for money. He believed that he would get more money by keeping it private. Later on 1895 The Lumiere Brothers recreated this idea but brought it to public for entertainment. They started to show 30-60 second clips. -
The Great Train Robbery
In 1903, one of Edison's employees, Edwin Porter, created the first U.S narrative film. The film was known as one of the greatest film of it's time due to its 14 scenes which creates 12 minutes. For their time era, this was the most known and eventful movie ever. -
Nickelodeon theaters sweep the the country! Having around 26 million visitors a week, this attraction became the most visited place of that era. This name was passed down to the popular tv channel, Nickelodeon. -
Motion Picture Patents Company
Around the time Nickelodeon was created Thomas Edison had a brilliant idea. Edison made a monopoly over film. During this time, Edison owned all of the film industry, making all motion picture making impossible to make unless it was through him. -
LA, California
Why California? California came a hotspot for the big film producers due to one, its climate. The area always have clear and spotless skies. The area around them is so close to Mexico so that if Edison finds them making films, they can make a quick escape to the new country. At last, the state just so happened to be on the other side of the country.