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Film history

  • How it started

    How it started
    A man named Eadweard Muybridge made a 25,000 dollar bet that a horse when at full speed had all four legs off the ground. This in turn cause the discovery of film.
  • Cinematography invented

    Cinematography invented
    Louis Jean and Auguste Marie Louis Nicholas, invented cinematography and started to make movies. These movies were short, usually only 30-60 seconds long.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    The first film that told a real story and was an epic in standard times. Lasted longer then any other films before, it was 12 min instead of 30-60 secs.
  • The first big film star

    The first big film star
    Charlie Chapman was the biggest film star of the 20th century, by 1917 he was making over a mill a year. His short films had very controversial topics tho, about homeless, poor, social equality, and dictators.
  • One of the biggest movie companies is founded

    One of the biggest movie companies is founded
    The Warner Bros is one of the biggest and most influential movie companies ever and has many a classic movies.
  • First guidelines are made

    First guidelines are made
    The production code is made and is the guidelines on what is aloud in a movie. This pertained to sexual stuff and violence.
  • Drive in becomes a thing

    Drive in becomes a thing
    One of the most iconic movie experiences is invented. It let you drive into a theater and still have the benefits and privacy of being in your car.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    During the cold war movies changed in the way that they had lots of propaganda, and weren't aloud to say or do certain things. This was partially the gov's fault cause they didn't want communist propaganda.
  • Contracts change

    Contracts change
    Contracts go from being seven years for actors to one movie at a time. This was better and more flexible for actors at the time.
  • Jaws

    Jaws was made and was one of the biggest and most influential movies ever. It had horror mixed with action elements and was diffrent during its time.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    A couple years after jaws, but not any less influential it is literally one of the biggest movie series ever even if you don't like it you know of it. The movie had at the time amazing animations, weird aliens and special effects along with iconic characters and actors.
  • Avatar

    James Cameron’s film Avatar became the highest-grossing film of all time. It had amazing graphics and animations and was made in 3d. being one of the most well made movies of all time.