film history

By ccc0x
  • first film evermade

    first film evermade
    first motion picture ever was a horse was five seconds long. it was made by someone named Eadweard J. Muybridge
  • first motion picture camera

    first motion picture camera
    the first motion picture camera. made by William Kennedy Laurie Dickson and thomas edison. its named kinetograph
  • first motion picture studio

    first motion picture studio
    a place called Kinetograph production center nicknamed the Black was an Edison corporation. Thomas Edison established it.
  • cinematograph

    a cinematograph is a camera mixed with a projector. its also a printer. the use of one is to record a movie
  • first movie theater

    first movie theater
    nickelodeon opened their first ever movie theater. it opened in Pittsburgh. first permanent movie theater.
  • fist movie review

    fist movie review
    the new york times published the first ever movie review. it was a report on D. W. Griffith's Pippa Passes. and basically just gave a review over the movie.
  • first feature film

     first feature film
    eleased when the two reels of D. W. Griffith's Enoch Arden are screened together. it was called the story of kelly gang. it was 60 minutes long.
  • first cartoon

    first cartoon
    walt disney creates his first cartoon. it was called alices wonderland. it was a big hit.
  • technicolor

    audiences can now see the films in technicolor. two clor technology was available but wasn't released yet. the two color technicolor was available just no one used it.
  • widescreen

    with the television invention out they wanted to create a bigger one. it was very popular in the summer of 1953. they started filming movie and showing them.
  • first 3-D film

    first 3-D film
    the first film relied on stereoscopic technology. other attempts were made but not until the 1950's the 3-D films were popular. the first film was called the power of love.
  • steadicam

    brand of camera stabilizer mounts for motion picture cameras. it was first used in gae new options to film makers.