The Moving Picture is Discovered
In 1872, a guy named Edward Muybridge made a bet. A bet that was if a horse is running full speed that all four feet were off the ground at some point. He bet $25,000 on it. So, everyone else tried to prove him wrong by taking multiple pictures. They discovered that images made a motion of sorts. Oh yeah, and Muybridge was right. -
The Lumiere Brothers "invent" the Projector
While Thomas Edison had technically could have used projectors, he was more worried about money. The Lumiere Brothers, however, did what Edison wouldn't do. They invented and used a projector to show movies, and naturally, people were amazed. This was really one of the first big projected moving pictures. And now people could watch together! -
Thomas Edison Makes the Kintoscope
In 1897, Thomas Edison created the Kintoscope, one of the first ways to watch a moving picture. People loved it and were amazed that these pictures could move. There were problems, though. It was only a one person theater, as only one person could look in and watch at once. It wasn't that Edison couldn't create something better, in fact, he had already invented a projector. He was just too greedy for money! -
The First US Film with a Story, The Great Train Robbery, was released
The Great Train Robbery, the first longer and more story based film was released. It was even more impressive to people because they had not imagined a long film yet. It was twelve minutes long. Now the possibilities for film were finally opening up. -
Independent Film Makers Flee
Due to the very strict laws of Edison and the MPPC and restricting weather conditions other places, Filmmakers started going to Hollywood. It was far away from the MPPC and there film could shine bright. And so could the weather, so filming was easier there. -
Things get animated
At this point in time film had gotten big. But, something else was on the verge of getting big. Animation was starting to be used and it would change the way some films are made forever. -
Film gets popular/Edison pulls a Monopoly
By then, Film had exploded in popularity. It was pulling in 26 million viewers a week. Edison decided it was time to make some money and Created the MPPC, the Motion Picture Patents Company. With this Monopoly, Edison controlled everything related to film. -
Charlie Chaplin Makes his name in Hollywood
Charlie Chaplin made his way to fame in the hollywood movie scene. Although he at first started out with very little pay, he ended uo making millions. He was a very comedic actor and was in a lot of movies. -
Independent Studios Strike Back
Though the MPPC thought that not putting stars names in movies would prevent losing money, they weren't neccessarily correct. The independent filmmakers would purposely make stars huge. That way, people would go to the movies to see their favorite stars. This gained them more money in the long run. -
The first drive in theater is opened
As movie theaters exploded with buissness, a new idea emerged. What if you could watch a movie in the comfort of your own vehicle. Hence, the Drive In Movie Theater was created. -
The First Movie on VHS is released
The amazing technology (at the time) of having a movie to own and watch at home. It was an amazing idea. A South Korean Drama, The Last Teacher, was the first movie released on VHS. -
First Movie on DVD is released
In 2000, the DVD, the more advanced form of VHS, was revealed. The first movie released on DVD, was Twister. This changed the way our world worked forever.