The Bet
Some rich friends we're watching horses run like a normal day for them. And one of them (Eadweard Muybridge) had a crazy thought, he said that at one point all of the horses legs are off the ground. They then bet 25,000 dollars on it, so they got a bunch of cameras and aligned them in a line and took a picture as the horse was running. As they saw the pictures they say it appeared to move in the pictures, so the first film was made. -
Invented by Thomas Edison and William Dickson, this machine started the movie industry in the US. It was a machine that moved a series of images under a light bulb causing the illusion of motion. It was made to only let one person watch the film, it was like this on purpose charge only person and get more money. -
The First Theater
Over seas in France, some brothers that will go by the name the Lumiere brothers invented what Edison was not showing to the public, the projector. They started getting multiple people to watch one film then making what we know now a day as a movie theater. -
The Start
Once the optical illusion of motion pictures was created they knew people would love to see this, and so they made money of such attraction. The first movie theater was made, these will only be able to hold one person at the time, charging each individual to see motion pictures. This attracted a lot of people -
People started making what are called vaudevilles, which were small theaters that featured short dramatic skits, comedy routines, and song dance members -
The First movie
This film was called the "The Great Train Robbery", was the first film to actually tell a story. Was about 12 minutes long which at the time was a very long time compared to 30 seconds. -
Nickelodeon Show
The Nickelodeon theaters got there name because they would charge a nickel to go inside to see a film. They will be a small storefront type theaters that will show films with sounds like piano and sound effects (not on film) -
Thomas Edison and other movie companies made this trust called Motion Pictures Partners Company (MPPC). They made a whole Monopoly of the film industry not letting other small movie companies make any profit -
Huge Money Maker
By this time more than 26 million people were going to go see films at the nickelodeon theaters, per week! And the number soon are to more than double in five years, movie industries started thinking they could become rich by such films. -
End of MPPc
Around this time the company was having conflicts inside the company, so the whole thing fell. Now that the MPPC was gone there was no monopoly that controlled the movie industry, so people started making more films. -
The Beginning of The Stars
One of the biggest actors known in film history is Charles Chaplin, he did not make a lot of money at the beginning of his acting career, but after movie industries started making they're stars more known and more loved by the public, (on purpose for a certain film can gain popularity because of the actor), by 1917 he made more than a million dollars per year, starting the age of the Hollywood stars. -
Its Only the Beginning
During this time we saw a great expansion of Hollywood film making .Now people started making actual now a day films, not the 30 second ones. Film will tell stories and entertain the public for longer amounts of time, then evolving to film we know today -
Something new
Following the Great Depression in the United States, people started getting into horror films, and now the only movies to come out were now a day movies, this new era of film started the Golden age of the film industry