
Film History

  • First Film Made

    First Film Made
    First film made was a race horse galloping, it was only 5 seconds long. Orignally there was a bet of $25,000 that a horse doesn't touch the ground for a second when running at full speed.
  • Peephole

    Edison created a projector, also knkown as the Peephole Kinectoscope. Shortly after making it, he decided to keep it to himself, to make money.
  • First Film making Camera

    First Film making Camera
    The first film camera was designed in England by Frenchman Louis Le Prince.
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    They pubically selled spots to go see film,unless like Edison who only let one person at time watch. The films were only 15-45 seconds long.
  • First paning video recorders

    First paning video recorders
    The films became several minute longer consisting of several shots. The first rotating for taking paninig shots was built in 1897.
  • First Action Film

    First Action Film
    The first action film and one of the most popular of that time is the "Great Train Robbery'.
  • Nicleodeon

    The first sucessful and permanent theatre showing only films was "The Nicleodeon" in Pittsburgh. It was a nickel to see a film.
  • First animated cartoon

    First animated cartoon
    French artist, Emiole Cohl made what is considered the first cartoon called Fantasmagorie. It is composed of 700 drawings that he did on a glass plate.
  • First Television

    First Television
    The T.V. was first sucessfully demonstrated in San Frasisco. The system was developed by Philo Taylor.
  • First Film with sound

    First Film with sound
    The "Jazz Singer' was the first film to have sound.
  • First TV broadcast with color

    First TV broadcast with color
    First live color tv broadcasting across the states.
  • VHS

    First VCR to use VHS was the Victor HR-3300, and was introduced by the president of JVC.