Film started with a bet
this bet was a 25,000 dollar bet made by an english man at the time. this bet was at some point when a horse is at full speed all four of his feet are off the ground. -
First Movie Theater
Thomas Edison started the first movie theater. He used a piep hole projecter, people would come up and pay a nickle to see a short cuple of seconds vedio. He used this teck neack to make more money because he new this would creat more than just a big massive projected vedio. -
We started film in cailiforina so when Thomas edison came after us we could pack up and get to mexico before he got to us. If we didnt do that then we would have no more equpment to shot the movies, because Ediosn and his goones would find out where you were filming and distroy everything ou had. When Edison died we were able to relaxe and make longer and better quallity movies. We also had more room to run.