Film History

  • Paper Film

    Paper Film
    In 1885, paper film was developed. It was a paper base with a thin coating on the exterior. This would later help create the first film
  • The First Public Showing of The Projector

    The First Public Showing of The Projector
    In 1895, the Lumiere Brothers showed short films to small audiences. They did this by using a projector they created to display the film on a screen. While this was not the first projector, it was the first time it was shown to the public
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    In 1903, the first movie with a narrative was released. It was about 12 minutes in length and 14 scenes in total.
  • Nickelodeons

    Set up in converted storefronts most of the time, nickelodeons were the first indoor space solely dedicated to the showing of films. They got their name due to the fact it costed only a nickel to enter. It is thought that the first ones were started around 1905 but they didn't garner popularity until the 1910's.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    The Jazz Singer was a talkie released in the late 1920s. Talkies were essentially the first films with dialog. While this wasn't the first talkie made, it was the first one to be feature length and made talkies a much more demanded item by the public
  • Color in Film

    Color in Film
    Color in film was originally developed in the 1910s, however it wasn't popularized until the late 1930s. It was popularized by films such as The Wizard of Oz and Gone With The Wind, both released in 1939
  • End Of A Silent Era

    End Of A Silent Era
    By the 1940's, all films that came out were talkies. Silent films ceased production almost entirely.
  • The First Blockbuster

    The First Blockbuster
    In 1975, the first summer "blockbuster" JAWS was released and very quickly became a very successful film. Before this, films were rarely released in the summer for the fear of no-one wanting to spend their summer in a theater. JAWS quickly changed that and most major films will be released in the summer.
  • CGI

    In the 80's, CGI was becoming a very frequent tool used in film to make it seem more thrilling and realistic. A popular example would be the Aliens series.
  • CGI Popularity

    CGI Popularity
    CGI became a really popular tool to use in the 90's to allow a director to show more if what he envisioned to an audience.
  • Film To Digital

    Film To Digital
    By the 2000's, a transition from film to digital began. Digital was a fairly new concept and film was still more widely used.
  • Film To Digital Cont.

    Film To Digital Cont.
    By the 2010's, digital has almost completely taken over film as the most popular way of making a motion feature. Digital was a lot easier to work with and didn't require as many resources as film did.