Film History

By KeonaG
  • First motion picture

    First motion picture
    The first motion picture was captured in 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge. This was o motion capture of someone riding a horse. He did this wit 12 cameras and a string to capture the picture.
  • Edison effect

    Edison effect
    In the 1880’s Thomas Eddison discovered something called the Edison Effect. This was discovered while Edison was trying to improve his lamp. He discovered Thermionic emission
  • Stop motion

    Stop motion
    A filmmaker named Georges Melies developed stop motion. He developed this in France in 1896. This idea of stop motion came from the new motion picture technology.
  • A Trip to the Moon

    A Trip to the Moon
    Made by Georges Melies, the same man that made the first motion picture. This was also the first science fiction movie. The movie has a scene that features a human face on the moon that was hit in the eye by a rocket.
  • Frankenstein

    The first movie version on Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. It was released in the United States. this was the first horror movie.
  • First 3D Film

    First 3D Film
    In 1922 the first 3D movie was made. It was called The Power of Love. The glasses had colored lenses.
  • Golden Age

    Golden Age
    Around 1930 (1933+) was an era known as the "Golden Age," known for it's sound and color revolutions.
  • Disney's Rise

    Disney's Rise
    Disney has always had its spotlight, but in the year of 1940, It had its biggest previews.
  • Theatre

    In 1950, Wide screens grew much bigger in popularity, causing more people to flood theatres
  • First tv broadcasts

    First tv broadcasts
    In 1962, the first TV broadcast in color happened.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    In 1977, one of the biggest films ever made was brought to life. Star Wars. The worldwide gross is $221,280,994.
  • Popularity Acending

    Popularity Acending
    This is when one of the biggest films, Friday the 13th was created.
    $65,002,019 is the film's gross.