Film History

  • Paper Film

    Paper Film
    Paper Film was made in 1885. About 70 years after the first camera was made
  • Celluloid

    Celluloid, a transparent flammable plastic made in sheets from camphor, was made to make classic cinematic movies. These helped create the first motion picture movies.
  • Projector was Made

    Projector was Made
    1895 created a projector that would show motion pictures on a screen to an audience. They were really short movies.
  • Narrative Movie

    Narrative Movie
    First narrative movie was made from Edwin Porter in 1903. The very first movie was 12 minutes and 14 seconds long.
  • Nickelodeon

    Nickelodeon gained a lot with the views they got. They averaged 26 million views per week.
  • Comic Genius

    Comic Genius
    Comic genius Charlie Chaplin started off making $105 per week. He was one of the best at conveying a story through silent films
  • No More Silent Films

    No More Silent Films
    By 1937-1940s, silent films ceased to be produced. All because sound was being put into movies.